Ch. 9 Muscles and Muscle Tissue
- Use the key to classify each of the following described tissue types into one of the four major tissue categories. Key: connective tissue epithelium muscle nervous tissue _________ (1) Tissue type composed largely of nonliving extracellular matrix; important in protection and support _________ (2) The tissue immediately responsible for body movement _________ (3) The tissue that enables us to be aware of the external environment and to react to it _________ (4) The tissue that lines body cavities and covers surfaces
Problem 1
- The connective tissue covering that encloses the sarcolemma of an individual muscle fiber is called the a. epimysium, b. perimysium, c. endomysium, d. periosteum.
Problem 1
- A fascicle is a a. muscle, b. bundle of muscle fibers enclosed by a connective tissue sheath, c. bundle of myofibrils, d. group of myofilaments.
Problem 2
- Thick and thin myofilaments have different compositions. For each descriptive phrase, indicate whether the filament is, a. thick or b. thin. _____ (1) contains actin _____ (2) contains ATPases _____ (3) attaches to the Z disc _____ (4) contains myosin _____ (5) contains troponin _____ (6) does not lie in the I band
Problem 3
- The function of the T tubules in muscle contraction is to a. make and store glycogen, b. release Ca²⁺ into the cell interior and then pick it up again, c. transmit the action potential deep into the muscle cells, d. form proteins.
Problem 4
- The sites where the motor nerve impulse is transmitted from the nerve endings to the skeletal muscle cell membranes are the a. neuromuscular junctions, b. sarcomeres, c. myofilaments, d. Z discs.
Problem 5
- Contraction elicited by a single brief stimulus is called a. a twitch, b. temporal summation, c. multiple motor unit summation, d. fused tetanus.
Problem 6
- A smooth, sustained contraction resulting from very rapid stimulation of the muscle, in which no evidence of relaxation is seen, is called a. a twitch, b. temporal summation, c. multiple motor unit summation, d. fused tetanus.
Problem 7
- Characteristics of isometric contractions include all but a. shortening, b. increased muscle tension throughout the contraction phase, c. absence of shortening, d. used in resistance training.
Problem 8
- During muscle contraction, ATP is provided by a. a coupled reaction of creatine phosphate with ADP, b. aerobic respiration of glucose, and c. anaerobic glycolysis. ______ (1) Which provides ATP fastest? ______ (2) Which does (do) not require that oxygen be available? ______ (3) Which provides the highest yield of ATP per glucose molecule? ______ (4) Which results in the formation of lactic acid? ______ (5) Which has carbon dioxide and water products? ______ (6) Which is most important in endurance sports?
Problem 9
- The neurotransmitter released by somatic motor neurons is a. acetylcholine, b. acetylcholinesterase, c. norepinephrine.
Problem 10
- The ions that enter the skeletal muscle cell during the generation of an action potential are a. calcium ions, b. chloride ions, c. sodium ions, d. potassium ions.
Problem 11
- Myoglobin has a special function in muscle tissue. It a. breaks down glycogen, b. is a contractile protein, c. holds a reserve supply of oxygen in the muscle.
Problem 12
- Aerobic exercise results in all of the following except a. more capillaries surrounding muscle fibers, b. more mitochondria in muscle cells, c. increased size and strength of existing muscle cells, d. more myoglobin.
Problem 13
- Differentiate between the roles of neurons and the supporting cells of nervous tissue.
Problem 14
- The smooth muscle type found in the walls of digestive and urinary system organs and that exhibits gap junctions and pacemaker cells is a. multi unit, b. unitary.
Problem 14
- Name and describe the four special functional abilities of muscle that are the basis for muscle response.
Problem 15
- Mrs. Delancy went to the local meat market and bought a beef tenderloin (cut from the loin, the region along the steer's caudal vertebral column) and some tripe (cow's stomach). What type of muscle was she preparing to eat in each case?
Problem 17
- What is the importance of acetylcholinesterase in muscle cell contraction?
Problem 17
- Explain what is meant by the term excitation-contraction coupling.
Problem 18
- Compare and contrast skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle tissue relative to structure, body location, and specific function.
Problem 19
- Define and draw a motor unit.
Problem 19
- True or false: Most muscles contain a predominance of one skeletal muscle fiber type. Explain the reasoning behind your choice.
Problem 20
- When a suicide victim was found, the coroner was unable to remove the drug vial clutched in his hand. Explain the reasons for this. If the victim had been discovered three days later, would the coroner have had the same difficulty? Explain.
Problem 22
- a. Describe the structure of a sarcomere and indicate the relationship of the sarcomere to myofilaments. b. Explain the sliding filament model of contraction using appropriately labeled diagrams of a relaxed and a contracted sarcomere.
Problem 23
- Explain how a slight (but smooth) contraction differs from a vigorous contraction of the same muscle. Use the concepts of multiple motor unit summation.
Problem 24
- Smooth muscle has some unique properties, such as low energy usage, and the ability to maintain contraction over long periods. Tie these properties to the function of smooth muscle in the body.
Problem 25
- Muscle-relaxing drugs are administered to a patient during major surgery. Which of the two chemicals described next would be a good skeletal muscle relaxant and why? • Chemical A binds to and blocks ACh receptors of muscle cells. • Chemical B floods the muscle cells' cytoplasm with Ca²⁺.
Problem 26