Here are the essential concepts you must grasp in order to answer the question correctly.
A twitch is a single, brief contraction of a muscle fiber or a group of muscle fibers in response to a single stimulus. It consists of a latent period, a contraction phase, and a relaxation phase. This concept is fundamental in understanding muscle physiology and how muscles respond to stimuli.
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Temporal Summation
Temporal summation occurs when multiple stimuli are applied to a muscle in rapid succession, leading to an increased force of contraction. This happens because the muscle does not have enough time to fully relax between stimuli, resulting in a stronger overall contraction. It is essential for understanding how muscles can generate greater force under certain conditions.
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Motor Unit Summation
Motor unit summation refers to the recruitment of additional motor units to increase muscle contraction strength. When a muscle is stimulated, not all motor units are activated simultaneously; instead, they are recruited based on the strength of the stimulus. This concept is crucial for understanding how muscles can vary their force output depending on the demands placed on them.
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