Ch. 10 The Muscular System
- A muscle that assists an agonist by causing a like movement or by stabilizing a joint over which an agonist acts is a(n) a. antagonist, b. prime mover, c. synergist, d. agonist.
Problem 1
- The arrangement of muscle fibers in which the fibers are arranged at an angle to a central longitudinal tendon is a. circular, b. longitudinal, c. pennate, d. parallel.
Problem 2
- Match the muscle names in column B to the facial muscles described in column A. Column A ______ (1) squints the eyes ______ (2) raises the eyebrows ______ (3) smiling muscle ______ (4) puckers the lips ______ (5) pulls the scalp posteriorly Column B a. corrugator supercilii b. depressor anguli oris c. frontal belly of epicranius d. occipital belly of epicranius e. orbicularis oculi f. orbicularis oris g. zygomaticus
Problem 3
- The prime mover of inspiration is the a. diaphragm, b. internal intercostals, c. external intercostals, d. abdominal wall muscles.
Problem 4
- The arm muscle that both flexes and supinates the forearm is the a. brachialis, b. brachioradialis, c. biceps brachii, d. triceps brachii.
Problem 5
- The chewing muscles that protract the mandible and produce side-to-side grinding movements are the a. buccinators, b. masseters, c. temporalis, d. pterygoids.
Problem 6
- Muscles that depress the hyoid bone and larynx include all but the a. sternohyoid, b. omohyoid, c. geniohyoid, d. sternothyroid.
Problem 7
- Intrinsic muscles of the back that promote extension of the spine (or head) include all but a. splenius muscles, b. semispinalis muscles, c. scalene muscles, d. erector spinae.
Problem 8
- Several muscles act to move and/or stabilize the scapula. Which of the following are small rectangular muscles that square the shoulders as they act together to retract the scapula? a. levator scapulae, b. rhomboids, c. serratus anterior, d. trapezius.
Problem 9
- A prime mover of thigh flexion is the a. rectus femoris, b. iliopsoas, c. vastus muscles, d. gluteus maximus.
Problem 10
- The prime mover of thigh extension against resistance is the a. gluteus maximus, b. gluteus medius, c. biceps femoris, d. semimembranosus.
Problem 11
- Which criterion (or criteria) is/are used in naming the gluteus medius? a. relative size, b. muscle location, c. muscle shape, d. action, e. number of origins.
Problem 12
- Which of the following is a large, deep muscle that protracts the scapula during punching? a. serratus anterior, b. rhomboids, c. levator scapulae, d. subscapularis.
Problem 13
- Which muscles act to propel food down the length of the pharynx to the esophagus?
Problem 14
- Name and describe the action of muscles used to shake your head no; to nod yes.
Problem 15
- Distinguish between a. direct and indirect muscle attachments and b. a tendon and an aponeurosis.
Problem 16
- a. Name two forearm muscles that are powerful extensors and abductors of the hand. b. Name the sole forearm muscle that can flex the distal interphalangeal joints.
Problem 16
- Name four criteria used in naming muscles, and provide an example (other than those used in the text) that illustrates each criterion.
Problem 17
- Differentiate between the arrangement of elements (load, fulcrum, and effort) in first-, second-, and third-class levers.
Problem 18
- a. Name the four muscle pairs that act in unison to compress the abdominal contents. b. How does their arrangement (fiber direction) contribute to the strength of the abdominal wall? c. Which of these muscles can effect lateral rotation of the spine? d. Which can act alone to flex the spine?
Problem 19
- Name two muscles in each of the following compartments or regions: a. thenar eminence (ball of thumb), b. posterior compartment of forearm, c. anterior compartment of forearm—deep muscle group, d. anterior muscle group in the arm, e. muscles of mastication,
Problem 21
- Name two muscles in each of the following compartments or regions: f. third muscle layer of the foot, g. posterior compartment of leg, h. medial compartment of thigh, i. posterior compartment of thigh.
Problem 21
- When Mrs. O'Brien returned to her doctor for a follow-up visit after childbirth, she complained that she was incontinent (having problems controlling her urine flow) when she sneezed. The physician asked his nurse to give Mrs. O'Brien instructions on how to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. To which muscles was he referring?
Problem 22
- As Kendra's coach watched her sail over the high jump bar, he contracted his right orbicularis oculi muscle, raised his arm, and contracted his opponens pollicis. Was he pleased or displeased with her performance? How do you know?
Problem 23
- Assume you have a 10-lb weight in your right hand. Explain why it is easier to flex the right elbow when your forearm is supinated than when it is pronated.
Problem 24
- Mr. Ahmadi, an out-of-shape 45-year-old man, was advised by his physician to lose weight and to exercise on a regular basis. He followed his diet faithfully and began to jog daily. One day, while on his morning jog, he heard a snapping sound that was immediately followed by a severe pain in his right lower calf. When his leg was examined, a gap was seen between his swollen upper calf region and his heel, and he was unable to plantar flex that ankle. What do you think happened? Why was the upper part of his calf swollen?
Problem 25
- What class of lever system do the following activities describe? a. The soleus muscle plantar flexes the foot. b. The triceps brachii is strained while doing pushups.
Problem 26