In this video, I want to teach you guys the most important reaction of monosaccharides, and that is called O-glycosidation. Alright, guys, so as you might or may not know, monosaccharides have the ability to react at the oxygen position in several different ways. Okay? But in acidic conditions, monosaccharides can alkylate selectively at the anomeric position to produce what we call O-glycosides. That means this type of bond here, it's an acetal where you have an R group specifically attached only to the oxygen position that's called a glycoside. It gets an "-oside" ending. Okay. This process is also known as Fischer glycosidation and it actually has a lot of similarities to another reaction that you might have learned with Fischer's name on it, Fischer esterification. You guys remember that? It's very similar because it proceeds through a reversible intermediate and it's acid catalyzed. There are oxygen and carbons involved, it's not a very wild mechanism. So once you get it, it's going to be pretty easy okay?
Now let me show you guys the general structure of the general formula here. The general reaction is you take a beta-D-glucopyranose and you react it with alcohol and acid. So when I said it's similar to Fischer esterification it's because that's the same thing that you would have used for a carboxylic acid, right? It's the same Fischer esterification, you would get an ester, right? You would get OR. Well, it's the same thing that happens here except that it specifically only happens to this O, and it turns that O into an OR group that has the same R group here, but it's also since it's only at the anomeric carbon, you're going to get a mixture of anomers obviously due to mutarotation. So you're going to get some kind of combination of alpha and beta anomers depending on the specific monosaccharide and which one is preferred for that setting, okay? At the end, what we get is a new functional group called an acetal because you have OR groups coming off of both positions, OROR. And if it's an acetal that specifically once again gets the name of O-glycoside because it specifically has an R group at the anomeric position. Okay?
So you might be saying okay Johnny, I'm getting what you're saying, but how can you guarantee that it's only going to happen at the anomeric carbon? Why doesn't it happen here or here or here? Well, guys, the reason is going to lie in this intermediate called an oxocarbenium intermediate, which is a very special intermediate. It's the important intermediate of this reaction and that's what I'm going to show you in the next video. In the next video, I'm going to prove to you guys how this can only happen at the anomeric position and it can't happen anywhere else. So let's go ahead and go to the mechanism.