Problem 1
In this chapter, we focused on the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes and considered important applications and findings from these endeavors. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions?
How do we know which contigs are part of the same chromosome?Problem 1
In this chapter, we focused on the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes and considered important applications and findings from these endeavors. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions?
How do we know if a genomic DNA sequence contains a protein-coding gene?Problem 1
In this chapter, we focused on the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes and considered important applications and findings from these endeavors. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions?
What evidence supports the concept that humans share substantial sequence similarities and gene functional similarities with model organisms?Problem 1
In this chapter, we focused on the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes and considered important applications and findings from these endeavors. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions?
How can proteomics identify differences between the number of protein-coding genes predicted for a genome and the number of proteins expressed by a genome?Problem 1
In this chapter, we focused on the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes and considered important applications and findings from these endeavors. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions?
How has the concept of a reference genome evolved to encompass a broader understanding of genomic variation in humans?Problem 1
In this chapter, we focused on the analysis of genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes and considered important applications and findings from these endeavors. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions?
How have microarrays demonstrated that, although all cells of an organism have the same genome, some genes are expressed in almost all cells, whereas other genes show cell- and tissue-specific expression?- In this chapter, we focused on a number of interesting applications of genetic engineering, genomics, and biotechnology. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions? From microarray analysis how do we know what genes are being expressed in a specific tissue?
Problem 1
- In this chapter, we focused on a number of interesting applications of genetic engineering, genomics, and biotechnology. At the same time, we found many opportunities to consider the methods and reasoning by which much of this information was acquired. From the explanations given in the chapter, what answers would you propose to the following fundamental questions? How can we correlate the genome with RNA expression data in a tissue or a single cell?
Problem 1
Problem 2
Write a short essay that explains how recombinant DNA techniques were used to identify and study genes compared to how modern genomic techniques have revolutionized the cloning and analysis of genes.
Problem 3
What is functional genomics? How does it differ from comparative genomics?
Problem 4
Compare and contrast WGS to a map-based cloning approach.
Problem 4
The genetic difference between two Drosophila species, D. heteroneura and D. silvestris, as measured by nucleotide diversity, is about 1.8 percent. The difference between chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and humans (H. sapiens) is about the same, yet the latter species is classified in a different genera. In your opinion, is this valid? Explain why.
Problem 5
What is bioinformatics, and why is this discipline essential for studying genomes? Provide two examples of bioinformatics applications.
Problem 5
Sequencing the human genome, the development of microarray technology, and personal genomics promise to improve our understanding of normal and abnormal cell behavior. How are these approaches dramatically changing our understanding and treatment of complex diseases such as cancer?
Problem 6
Annotation involves identifying genes and gene-regulatory sequences in a genome. List and describe characteristics of a genome that are hallmarks for identifying genes in an unknown sequence. What characteristics would you look for in a bacterial genome? A eukaryotic genome?
Problem 7
How do high-throughput techniques such as computer-automated, next-generation sequencing, and mass spectrometry facilitate research in genomics and proteomics? Explain.
Problem 8
BLAST searches and related applications are essential for analyzing gene and protein sequences. Define BLAST, describe basic features of this bioinformatics tool, and give an example of information provided by a BLAST search.
Problem 9
What functional information about a genome can be determined through applications of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)?
- We all carry about 20,000 genes in our genome. So far, patents have been issued for more than 6000 of these genes. Do you think that companies or individuals should be able to patent human genes? Why or why not?
Problem 13
Problem 16
It can be said that modern biology is experiencing an 'omics' revolution. What does this mean? Explain your answer.
Problem 17
Metagenomics studies generate very large amounts of sequence data. Provide examples of genetic insight that can be learned from metagenomics.
Problem 18
What are DNA microarrays? How are they used?
- Annotation of the human genome sequence reveals a discrepancy between the number of protein-coding genes and the number of predicted proteins actually expressed by the genome. Proteomic analysis indicates that human cells are capable of synthesizing more than 100,000 different proteins and perhaps three times this number. What is the discrepancy, and how can it be reconciled?
Problem 19
- In Section 21.10 we briefly discussed the Human Proteome Map (HPM). An interactive Web site for the HPM is available at Visit this site, and then answer the questions in parts (a) and (b) and complete part (c). How many proteins were identified in this project?
Problem 20
- In Section 21.10 we briefly discussed the Human Proteome Map (HPM). An interactive Web site for the HPM is available at Visit this site, and then answer the questions in parts (a) and (b) and complete part (c). How many fetal tissues were analyzed?
Problem 20
- In Section 21.10 we briefly discussed the Human Proteome Map (HPM). An interactive Web site for the HPM is available at Visit this site, and then answer the questions in parts (a) and (b) and complete part (c). Use the 'Query' tab and select the 'Gene family' dropdown menu to do a search on the distribution of proteins encoded by a pathway of interest to you. Search in fetal tissues, adult tissues, or both.
Problem 20
- Researchers have compared candidate loci in humans and rats in search of loci in the human genome that are likely to contribute to the constellation of factors leading to hypertension [Stoll, M., et al. (2000). Genome Res. 10:473–482]. Through this research, they identified 26 chromosomal regions that they consider likely to contain hypertension genes. How can comparative genomics aid in the identification of genes responsible for such a complex human disease? The researchers state that comparisons of rat and human candidate loci to those in the mouse may help validate their studies. Why might this be so?
Problem 21
- Homology can be defined as the presence of common structures because of shared ancestry. Homology can involve genes, proteins, or anatomical structures. As a result of 'descent with modification,' many homologous structures have adapted different purposes. List three anatomical structures in vertebrates that are homologous but have different functions.
Problem 22
- Homology can be defined as the presence of common structures because of shared ancestry. Homology can involve genes, proteins, or anatomical structures. As a result of 'descent with modification,' many homologous structures have adapted different purposes. Is it likely that homologous proteins from different species have the same or similar functions? Explain.
Problem 22
- Homology can be defined as the presence of common structures because of shared ancestry. Homology can involve genes, proteins, or anatomical structures. As a result of 'descent with modification,' many homologous structures have adapted different purposes. Under what circumstances might one expect proteins of similar function to not share homology? Would you expect such proteins to be homologous at the level of DNA sequences?
Problem 22
Ch. 21 - Genomic Analysis