Alright, so now let's see how this idea of increasing marginal opportunity cost relates to allocative efficiency. So remember, allocative efficiency, it deals with consumer preferences right? It's a little more subjective in what is the right amount, how much craft beer should we have, how much soy cheese pizza should we have, and we have to find the right mix for them, for those consumers. So allocative efficiency is the mix of production where our marginal benefit equals our marginal cost. You guys remember this formula I told you was going to come up again? Marginal benefit equals marginal cost. Right? So the benefit of producing this much equals the cost of producing this much. That is where we're going to have the efficient point. Alright, and a few quick notes before we head to the graph down here, is the idea that marginal benefit is completely unrelated to the graph. The graph is not telling us anything about the marginal benefit. How much do people want soy cheese pizza? How much do people want craft beer, we can't derive that information from that graph. Alright? I'm going to have to give you that information separately about marginal benefit. Your teacher's going to have to give it to you. Right? You're just not going to be able to come up with it on your own. So another note here, when we plot the marginal cost curve or excuse me, the marginal cost curve, we're going to do it from the midpoint of each unit, and this goes back to that idea of the arc method of finding the slope on a curve. So here since we don't have a straight line we would be using the arc method, and if you remember from the graphing review, basically we're finding the average slope, so we're going to do the same thing and we're going to take it from the average of the amount of pizzas. So instead of going from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, we're going to go from the midpoint, from the half pizza, the 1.5, right? And that's because we're using the average slope, we're going to use the average on the graph as well. So we're going to go from the midpoint. Alright, so here on the graph, it's a little different than the graph above. Above we had soy cheese pizza and craft beers. On the graph here we have soy cheese pizza and the marginal cost or marginal benefit in craft beer. So it's not, the total amount of craft beers that we're going to be producing. We're talking about the marginal cost or the marginal benefit from this amount of pizza production. Right? So if we're going to produce this many pizzas, what's the marginal cost? What's the marginal benefit? Alright. So let's start with the marginal cost curve, and then I'll give you the marginal benefit numbers, and we will plug it in there. So remember up above, we talked about the marginal cost of the first pizza. Right? When we've got 0 pizzas and we want the first pizza, that marginal cost is 1. So we're going to plot that here for our marginal cost curve, at 1, right, and we're going to do that for all the other ones too. Right? It went 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as we moved along, and those were our increasing marginal costs. Right? That's why we see this number keep increasing here. So as we add pizzas so does our marginal cost increase. Alright? And what I'm going to do is for our marginal benefit, we're going to describe this as the willingness to pay. Right? So the idea is that for that first pizza, they don't have any pizza left, pizza yet. They're going to have a high willingness to pay. They really want that pizza. It's going to be worth a lot to them when they get the first pizza. So I'm going to put in some numbers here. I'm going to go 5 for that first pizza, 4 for the next 1, 3, 2, 1. Right. And the idea here is that as we get more pizzas, we don't get as much benefit out of them because that's how it works. The first ones are always worth more to us than future ones. Right? It's just like if you got your first Lamborghini, it's going to mean a lot more to you than when you have 10 Lamborghinis. Right? Once you're a professional microeconomist and you're making all that money, you're going to really cherish that first Lamborghini then that tenth one. So let's go ahead and put these on the graph. We've got soy cheese pizza on the x-axis, our marginal cost, marginal benefit in craft beers on the y-axis. So let's go ahead. So for 0.5 pizzas, so that's right here in the middle of 0 and 1, we're going to have let's start with just the marginal cost. We are going to have a marginal cost of 1, and for the next set of pizzas and remember we're using the average here, right? We're going in the middle because it's the average slope and it's the average distance from 0 to 1, so we're going to start in the middle. From 1 to 2, we've got 2. 3 was 3. We go 3, 4, 5 here along the side. 4 and then 5. So here were our 5 points for our marginal cost curve, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and I'm going to go ahead and connect those right now. So we've got a marginal cost curve that looks something like that. I'll put marginal cost out there. Notice how it goes up as we increase our soy cheese pizza production. Let's do the same thing with marginal benefit. I'll get back out of the way so we see the numbers. So our marginal benefit remember, I just gave these to you. You can't derive these marginal benefits from anywhere. They have to be given or else you won't be able to figure this out. So at 0.5 pizzas, I'm going to use blue for our marginal benefit. We've got 5 is our marginal benefit here. So that means we really value that first pizza because we don't have any yet and the idea is the less of something we have, the more we value it. So the next one here is 4 when we have between 1-2 pizzas, and then right here notice what just happened. Right? I just bubbled on top of another bubble. You can maybe think of what that point is going to be. So continuing on, marginal benefit of 2 when we have 3.5 and then at 4.5 marginal benefit of 1. So I'm going to connect these dots to make our curve here, and that is our marginal benefit curve, and what were we talking about, right? We were talking about where allocative efficiency is met where the marginal benefit equals the marginal cost. Can you find that here on the graph? That is going to be this point right here and that is when we are producing 2.5, 1,000,000 pizzas, right? So what is the allocative efficiency quantity? Right? We know that 2.5 pizzas is the correct amount, but this graph right here, it doesn't tell us anything about the amount of craft beers that we want, right? So in this box at the bottom, we want to know the efficient quantity of pizza and the efficient quantity of craft beers as well. So we do know that the soy cheese pizzas were 2.5, but we need to go back up to the graph to find out how many craft beers we make when we got 2.5 pizzas, right. That other graph isn't telling us anything about the total amount of craft beer, so we're going to go to 2.5 here. Go up to the graph, and we're going to see that we're going to want whoops. Excuse me. Yeah. So when we've got 2.5 let me get my pen back. We're going to say we want let's say that's 10 right there. Right? So 2.5, 1,000,000 pizzas and 10 craft beers. That is going to be our efficient quantity right there. Our allocated efficient quantity. Notice that that's also productively efficient, right, because we are on the graph there. We are on the line. So that's productively efficient, and it's also allocatively efficient based on our marginal benefit and our marginal cost. Cool. Let's move on.