The SI unit for pressure is the Pascal, abbreviated as PA, and it's named after the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal. When it comes to pressure, let's think about what that really means. When it comes to gases, they can be seen as a collection of molecules that move in random directions in straight lines. So here we have an image of a container. Inside of these containers, we have these blue dots which represent gas molecules. All they're doing is bouncing around randomly, bumping into the sides of the container, bumping into each other. How does this apply to pressure? Well, pressure is the force that a gas exerts on the wall of its container. Connected to pressure are two ideas: F, which equals force in SI units of newtons, and A which represents area, and its SI unit is in square meters. So, pressure itself is just a force that the gases exert over an area.
P = F AThis idea of gases existing within containers is going to be delved deeper into when we talk about ideal gases and eventually non-ideal gases.