Why can you see an object better in dim light by looking to the side of it instead of directly at it?
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Hey, everyone. Let's take a look at this question together. These specialized photoreceptors in the eyes that respond better to low light are known as what is it? Answer choice A rods, answer choice B cones. Answer choice CF via or answer choice D the retina. Let's work this problem out together to try to figure out which of the following answer choices is the specialized photo receptor that respond better to low light. So in order to solve this question, we have to recall what we have learned about specialized photo receptors in the eyes. Specifically the specialized photoreceptor that responds better to low light. And we can recall that the photoreceptor that is extremely sensitive to light and is responsible for dim light vision as well as being able to detect and signal the absorption of a single photon are the rods. So answer choice. A rods is the correct answer and all other answer choices are incorrect. Since answer choice beat cones is the specialized photoreceptor responsible for color vision. And answer choices C and D are not types of photo receptors. So answer choice A is the only correct answer choice. I hope you found this video to be helpful. Thank you and goodbye.