Biology of Wrongful Convictions
- Is a round yellow pea seed (genotype RrYy) an example of polygenic inheritance? Why or why not
Problem 1
- What factors cause quantitative variation in a trait within a population?
Problem 2
- The DNA profile below is from a mother, a father, and their child. Compare the bands found in the child's profile. What is true of every band shown in the child's profile?
Problem 3
- A quantitative trait . a. may be one that is strongly influenced by the environment; b. varies continuously in a population; c. may be influenced by many genes; d. is not either off or on; e. all of the above
Problem 4
- When graphing the phenotypes of a trait controlled by many genes and the environment, the line showing the frequency of each phenotype resembles . a. a horizontal, straight line; b. a vertical, straight line; c. the letter T; d. a bell shape; e. a circle
Problem 5
- Epigenetic changes involving methylation can directly affect the phenotype of an individual or her offspring by . a. causing correlations between parents and children; b. causing changes to the DNA that affect gene expression but not DNA sequence; c. generating low heritability; d. increasing the likelihood of monozygotic twinning; e. sterilizing the DNA
Problem 7
- Which of the following is not part of the procedure used to make a DNA profile? a. Short tandem repeat sequences are amplified by PCR; b. DNA is placed in a gel and subjected to an electric current; c. The genes that encode DNA sequence are cloned into bacteria; d. DNA from blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or hair root cells can be used for analysis.
Problem 8
- Add labels to the figure that follows, which illustrates the components in the PCR reaction.
Problem 9
- Which of the following statements is consistent with the DNA profile shown below?
Problem 10
a. B is the child of A and C; b. C is the child of A and B; c. D is the child of B and C; d. A is the child of B and C; e. A is the child of C and D.