- An airplane feels a lift force L perpendicular to its wings. In level flight, the lift force points straight up and is equal in magnitude to the gravitational force on the plane. When an airplane turns, it banks by tilting its wings, as seen from behind, by an angle from horizontal. This causes the lift to have a radial component, similar to a car on a banked curve. If the lift had constant magnitude, the vertical component of L would now be smaller than the gravitational force, and the plane would lose altitude while turning. However, you can assume that the pilot uses small adjustments to the plane's control surfaces so that the vertical component of L continues to balance the gravitational force throughout the turn. a. Find an expression for the banking angle θ needed to turn in a circle of radius r while flying at constant speed v.
Problem 8
- A 100 g ball on a 60-cm-long string is swung in a vertical circle about a point 200 cm above the floor. The string suddenly breaks when it is parallel to the ground and the ball is moving upward. The ball reaches a height 600 cm above the floor. What was the tension in the string an instant before it broke?
Problem 8
- The 10 mg bead in FIGURE CP8.69 is free to slide on a frictionless wire loop. The loop rotates about a vertical axis with angular velocity ω. If ω is less than some critical value ω꜀, the bead sits at the bottom of the spinning loop. When ω > ω꜀, the bead moves out to some angle θ. a. What is ω꜀ in rpm for the loop shown in the figure?
Problem 8
- A 30 g ball rolls around a 40-cm-diameter L-shaped track, shown in FIGURE P8.53, at 60 rpm. What is the magnitude of the net force that the track exerts on the ball? Rolling friction can be neglected. Hint: The track exerts more than one force on the ball.
Problem 8
- A car drives over the top of a hill that has a radius of 50 m. What maximum speed can the car have at the top without flying off the road?
Problem 8
- The weight of passengers on a roller coaster increases by 50% as the car goes through a dip with a 30 m radius of curvature. What is the car's speed at the bottom of the dip?
Problem 8
- The normal force equals the magnitude of the gravitational force as a roller-coaster car crosses the top of a 40-m-diameter loop-the-loop. What is the car's speed at the top?
Problem 8
- A 500 g ball moves in a vertical circle on a 102-cm-long string. If the speed at the top is 4.0 m/s, then the speed at the bottom will be 7.5 m/s. (You'll learn how to show this in Chapter 10.) (a) What is the gravitational force acting on the ball?
Problem 8
- A 500 g ball moves in a vertical circle on a 102-cm-long string. If the speed at the top is 4.0 m/s, then the speed at the bottom will be 7.5 m/s. (You'll learn how to show this in Chapter 10.) (b) What is the tension in the string when the ball is at the top?
Problem 8
- A heavy ball with a weight of 100 N (m = 10.2 kg) is hung from the ceiling of a lecture hall on a 4.5-m-long rope. The ball is pulled to one side and released to swing as a pendulum, reaching a speed of 5.5 m/s as it passes through the lowest point. What is the tension in the rope at that point?
Problem 8
- In an amusement park ride called The Roundup, passengers stand inside a 16-m-diameter rotating ring. After the ring has acquired sufficient speed, it tilts into a vertical plane, as shown in FIGURE P8.51. b. What is the longest rotation period of the wheel that will prevent the riders from falling off at the top?
Problem 8
- Suppose you swing a ball of mass m in a vertical circle on a string of length L. As you probably know from experience, there is a minimum angular velocity ωₘᵢₙ you must maintain if you want the ball to complete the full circle without the string going slack at the top. a. Find an expression for ωₘᵢₙ.
Problem 8
- The physics of circular motion sets an upper limit to the speed of human walking. (If you need to go faster, your gait changes from a walk to a run.) If you take a few steps and watch what's happening, you'll see that your body pivots in circular motion over your forward foot as you bring your rear foot forward for the next step. As you do so, the normal force of the ground on your foot decreases and your body tries to 'lift off' from the ground. a. A person's center of mass is very near the hips, at the top of the legs. Model a person as a particle of mass m at the top of a leg of length L. Find an expression for the person's maximum walking speed vₘₐₓ.
Problem 8
- A 1500 kg car takes a 50-m-radius unbanked curve at 15 m/s. What is the size of the friction force on the car?
Problem 8
- A car can just barely turn a corner on an unbanked road at 45 km/h on a dry sunny day. What is the car's maximum cornering speed on a rainy day when the coefficient of static friction has been reduced by 50%?
Problem 8
- If a vertical cylinder of water (or any other liquid) rotates about its axis, as shown in FIGURE CP8.72, the surface forms a smooth curve. Assuming that the water rotates as a unit (i.e., all the water rotates with the same angular velocity), show that the shape of the surface is a parabola described by the equation z = (ω^2 / 2g) r^2. Hint: Each particle of water on the surface is subject to only two forces: gravity and the normal force due to the water underneath it. The normal force, as always, acts perpendicular to the surface.
Problem 8
- A satellite orbiting the moon very near the surface has a period of 110 min. What is free-fall acceleration on the surface of the moon? Astronomical data are inside the back cover of the book.
Problem 8
- Communications satellites are placed in circular orbits where they stay directly over a fixed point on the equator as the earth rotates. These are called geosynchronous orbits. The altitude of a geosynchronous orbit is 3.58 x 10^7 m (approximately 22,00 miles) . Astronomical data are inside the back cover of the book (a) What is the period of a satellite in a geosynchronous orbit?
Problem 8
- A 5.0 g coin is placed 15 cm from the center of a turntable. The coin has static and kinetic coefficients of friction with the turntable surface of mu(s) = 0.80 and mu(k) = 0.50. The turntable very slowly speeds up to 60 rpm. Does the coin slide off?
Problem 8
- a. An object of mass m swings in a horizontal circle on a string of length L that tilts downward at angle θ. Find an expression for the angular velocity ω.
Problem 8
- Two wires are tied to the 2.0 kg sphere shown in FIGURE P8.45. The sphere revolves in a horizontal circle at constant speed. a. For what speed is the tension the same in both wires?
Problem 8
- A 2.0 kg pendulum bob swings on a 2.0-m-long string. The bob's speed is 1.5 m/s when the string makes a 15° angle with vertical and the bob is moving toward the bottom of the arc. At this instant, what are the magnitudes of (c) the tension in the string?
Problem 8
- 2.0 kg ball swings in a vertical circle on the end of an 80-cm-long string. The tension in the string is 20 N when its angle from the highest point on the circle is θ = 30°. a. What is the ball's speed when θ = 30°?
Problem 8
- Three satellites orbit a planet of radius R, as shown in FIGURE EX13.24. Satellites S₁ and S₃ have mass m. Satellite S₂ has mass 2m. Satellite S₁ orbits in 250 minutes and the force on S₁ is 10,000 N. (b) What are the forces of S₂ and S₃?
Problem 13
- Three satellites orbit a planet of radius R, as shown in FIGURE EX13.24. Satellites S₁ and S₃ have mass m. Satellite S₂ has mass 2m. Satellite S₁ orbits in 250 minutes and the force on S₁ is 10,000 N. (c) What is the kinetic-energy ratio for K₁ / K₃ for S₁ and S₃?
Problem 13
- Large stars can explode as they finish burning their nuclear fuel, causing a supernova. The explosion blows away the outer layers of the star. According to Newton's third law, the forces that push the outer layers away have reaction forces that are inwardly directed on the core of the star. These forces compress the core and can cause the core to undergo a gravitational collapse. The gravitational forces keep pulling all the matter together tighter and tighter, crushing atoms out of existence. Under these extreme conditions, a proton and an electron can be squeezed together to form a neutron. If the collapse is halted when the neutrons all come into contact with each other, the result is an object called a neutron star, an entire star consisting of solid nuclear matter. Many neutron stars rotate about their axis with a period of ≈ 1 s and, as they do so, send out a pulse of electromagnetic waves once a second. These stars were discovered in the 1960s and are called pulsars. (e) What is the radius of a geosynchronous orbit?
Problem 13
Problem 13.57
FIGURE P13.57 shows two planets of mass m orbiting a star of mass M. The planets are in the same orbit, with radius r, but are always at opposite ends of a diameter. Find an exact expression for the orbital period T. <IMAGE> Hint: Each planet feels two forces.
Problem 13.59c
The solar system is 25,000 light years from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. One light year is the distance light travels in one year at a speed of 3.0 x 10⁸ m/s . Astronomers have determined that the solar system is orbiting the center of the galaxy at a speed of 230 km/s . (c) The gravitational force on the solar system is the net force due to all the matter inside our orbit. Most of that matter is concentrated near the center of the galaxy. Assume that the matter has a spherical distribution, like a giant star. What is the approximate mass of the galactic center?
Ch 08: Dynamics II: Motion in a Plane