What's up? Guys, by now you should know quite a bit about monosaccharides. But in this video, I want to take a step further and define what a disaccharide is. So let's get going with that. Guys, a disaccharide is very simply going to be 2 monosaccharides that are linked by an O-glycosidic linkage in the middle. Remember that an O-glycosidic bond would just be at the anomeric position and oxygen attached to an R. Well, if you have that where the r group is actually a second sugar, that's called a disaccharide. Now it doesn't matter whether it's an alpha linkage or a beta linkage, We'll get more into that in a little bit. That's just going to change the type of disaccharide it is, but disaccharides exist in multiple different forms that are both alpha and beta. Cool?
So guys, the exact reaction that brings these two sugars together into one disaccharide is called condensation. And guys, the reason that we call it a condensation reaction is because back when we learned about the definition of condensation, what did it always mean? Condensation always means that you take 2 molecules and you turn them into 1 bigger molecule with the release of water. You always have to release one water molecule to count as a condensation and that's exactly what happens. And the end product is that we form an acetal linkage. Okay? Remember we talked about acetals. I'm going to show you guys what the acetal looks like here.
Okay? Now one thing that you guys should just keep in mind about disaccharides is that once you form that disaccharide, those sugars are locked into position. So the typical type of mutarotation, epimerization that might happen when you have a single sugar that cyclizes doesn't really happen anymore for disaccharides. So what I'm trying to say here is that once you've formed your disaccharide, it's kind of stuck in that position. It's not just going to go from alpha to beta and beta to alpha by itself. Okay? Cool.
So let's just break down each step of the reaction. Let me explain this diagram to you. So guys, first of all, we need 2 sugars. So in this case, I decided to bring 2 molecules of D-glucose together to form a disaccharide. But guys, I could have used pretty much any monosaccharide I wanted. This is just a very common example and it's a very easy example to look at, but many different the multiple forms or multiple types of disaccharides exist using different types of sugars and using different types of linkages. So here, I'm just giving you an example.
So let's say that we wanted to form a beta-14 linkage between these 2 monosaccharides. Well, what would that even mean? Why would we call it a beta 14? Well guys, first of all, beta always stands for the first sugar and the relationship of the oxygen to the stereo descriptor carbon. So remember guys that this would be my stereo descriptor over here. It's facing up and in this case, this O because it's I'm using D-glucose, this O is also facing up, so that means that these are cysts to each other, so this would be beta. You guys remember that? Now it doesn't have to look like this, but this is just the one that we're using for right now.
Okay? So this is a beta D-glucose and notice that what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to form a linkage between the first carbon of my sugar 1 and the 4th carbon of sugar 2. And the way that we would count these guys is just like any cyclic sugar. We always count the anomeric position as 1 and then go around in a clockwise way. So then you would get 4 over here. Does that make sense? So if we were to bring these 2 alcohols together, the alcohol on 1 and the alcohol on 4, what we're going to get is the loss of water. And the reason is because if you're trying to make an acetal linkage, all you really need is one O, right? So that means that, let's say this is the O that stays, which it is. Okay, actually that wouldn't be the O that stays. I'm sorry. So let's say this is the O that leaves, let's say this is the H that leaves and let's say that this is the H that leaves. The O that stays is this one, right?
This is the one and we can go through the mechanism later but that O would wind up attaching to the carbon and notice that what we get as a byproduct is 1 O and 2 Hs leaving. So we would get the condensation reaction and the release of 1 water molecule. Okay? So this condensation reaction would then link these 2 together and notice that what we would now get in terms of this linkage is we would get what we call a beta-14 because once again, the linkage is going in the same direction as the stereo descriptor carbon and it's between carbon 1 of the first one and carbon 4 of the second one.
Okay. Now notice that 2 functional groups are present on this disaccharide. One, we have an acetal. Why do we call this an acetal? Because remember guys that the general formula for an acetal is that you have OR and OR connected to the same carbon. It's like a diether. Is that a diether? Absolutely. This is an acetal, but notice that the anomeric position of the other sugar in this case is still exposed. It still has an OH on it. So that means that in this specific disaccharide, I would have both an acetal functional group and a hemiacetal functional group present on the same molecule. This is going to be important later, but for right now, I'm just drawing your attention to it.
Okay. Now lastly, we have this name of cellubios. So you might be thinking, well Johnny, am I supposed to memorize that? Maybe. It turns out that some professors and some textbooks and homeworks want you to know a few of the most important disaccharides. You don't need to know all of them, but you might need to know a few important ones, which I'm going to go ahead and talk about in a second. But for right now, what you should know or what you can just take your take-home message from this is that the disaccharide called Cellubios would specifically be the disaccharide that's formed from 2 D-glucose molecules making a 1-4 linkage. And if you were to change any part of that, it would not be called Cellubios anymore. If you were to make it an alpha-1-4 linkage, where now it's facing away from the stereo descriptor, or if you were to change one of the glucoses into a fructose, all those changes would have massive impacts on the disaccharide. It would change the disaccharide completely and it would also change the name. Okay. So once again, cellubios is just the example that I'm giving for probably the easiest disaccharide to make, which is 2 D-glucose with a beta-1-4 linkage.
Okay. So, in the next video, I'm going to talk more about important disaccharides t