Problem 1b
At 273 K and 1 atm pressure, 1 mol of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 L. (Section 10.4) (b) Looking at Figure 18.1, we see that the temperature is lower at 85 km altitude than at 50 km. Does this mean that one mole of an ideal gas would occupy less volume at 85 km than at 50 km? Explain.
Problem 1c
At 273 K and 1 atm pressure, 1 mol of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 L. (Section 10.4) (c) In which parts of the atmosphere would you expect gases to behave most ideally (ignoring any photochemical reactions)? [Section 18.1]
Problem 3d
The figure shows the three lowest regions of Earth's atmo- sphere.
(d) An aurora borealis is due to excitation of atoms and molecules in the atmosphere 55–95 km above Earth's surface. Which regions in the figure are involved in an aurora borealis?
Problem 4
Where does the energy come from to evaporate the esti- mated 425,000 km3 of water that annually leaves the oceans, as illustrated here? [Section 18.3]
Problem 9a
(a) What is the primary basis for the division of the atmosphere into different regions?
Problem 10a
(a) How are the boundaries between the regions of the atmosphere determined?
Problem 10b
(b) Explain why the stratosphere, which is about 35 km thick, has a smaller total mass than the troposphere, which is about 12 km thick.
Problem 11a
Air pollution in the Mexico City metropolitan area is among the worst in the world. The concentration of ozone in Mexico City has been measured at 441 ppb (0.441 ppm). Mexico City sits at an altitude of 7400 feet, which means its atmospheric pressure is only 0.67 atm. (a) Calculate the partial pressure of ozone at 441 ppb if the atmospheric pressure is 0.67 atm.
Problem 11b
Air pollution in the Mexico City metropolitan area is among the worst in the world. The concentration of ozone in Mexico City has been measured at 441 ppb (0.441 ppm). Mexico City sits at an altitude of 7400 feet, which means its atmospheric pressure is only 0.67 atm. (b) How many ozone molecules are in 1.0 L of air in Mexico City? Assume T = 25 °C.
Problem 12
From the data in Table 18.1, calculate the partial pressures of carbon dioxide and argon when the total atmospheric pressure is 1.05 bar.
Problem 15a
The dissociation energy of a carbon-bromine bond is typically about 276 kJ/mol. (a) What is the maximum wavelength of photons that can cause C-Br bond dissociation?
Problem 17b
(b) Use the energy requirements of these two pro- cesses to explain why photodissociation of oxygen is more important than photoionization of oxygen at altitudes below about 90 km.
Problem 19a
The wavelength at which the O2 molecule most strongly absorbs light is approximately 145 nm. (a) In which region of the electromagnetic spectrum does this light fall?
Problem 20b
The ultraviolet spectrum can be divided into three regions based on wavelength: UV-A (315–400 nm), UV-B (280–315 nm), and UV-C (100–280 nm). (b) In the absence of ozone, which of these three regions, if any, are absorbed by the atmo- sphere?
Problem 22
Which of the following reactions in the stratosphere cause an increase in temperature there? (a) O(g) + O2(g) → O3+(g) (b) O3*(g) + M(g) → O3(g) + M*(g) (c) O2(g) + hv → 2 O(g) (d) O(g) + N2(g) → NO(g) + N(g) (e) All of the above
Problem 23
(a) What is the difference between chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons?
Problem 26a
(a) When chlorine atoms react with atmospheric ozone, what are the products of the reaction?
Problem 26b
(b) Based on average bond enthalpies, would you expect a photon capable of dissociating a C-Cl bond to have sufficient energy to dissociate a C-Br bond?
Problem 29b
(b) If a limestone sculp- ture were treated to form a surface layer of calcium sul- fate, would this help to slow down the effects of acid rain? Explain.
Problem 31b
Alcohol-based fuels for automobiles lead to the production of formaldehyde (CH2O) in exhaust gases. Formaldehyde undergoes photodissociation, which contributes to photo- chemical smog: CH2O + hn ¡ CHO + H The maximum wavelength of light that can cause this reac- tion is 335 nm. (b) What is the maximum strength of a bond, in kJ>mol, that can be bro- ken by absorption of a photon of 335-nm light?
Problem 31d
Alcohol-based fuels for automobiles lead to the production of formaldehyde (CH2O) in exhaust gases. Formaldehyde undergoes photodissociation, which contributes to photo- chemical smog: CH2O + hn ¡ CHO + H The maximum wavelength of light that can cause this reac- tion is 335 nm. (d) Write out the formaldehyde photodis- sociation reaction, showing Lewis-dot structures.
Problem 32a
An important reaction in the formation of photochemical smog is the photodissociation of NO : NO2 + hv → NO(g) + O(g) The maximum wavelength of light that can cause this reac- tion is 420 nm. (a) In what part of the electromagnetic spec- trum is light with this wavelength found?
Problem 35
What is the molarity of Na+ in a solution of NaCl whose salinity is 5.6 if the solution has a density of 1.03 g>mL?
Problem 36
Phosphorus is present in seawater to the extent of 0.07 ppm by mass. Assuming that the phosphorus is present as dihydrogenphosphate, H2PO4-, calculate the correspond-ing molar concentration of H2PO4- in seawater.
Problem 37a
The enthalpy of evaporation of water is 40.67 kJ/mol. Sunlight striking Earth's surface supplies 168 W per square meter (1 W = 1 watt = 1 J/s). (a) Assuming that evaporation of water is due only to energy input from the Sun, calculate how many grams of water could be evaporated from a 1.00 square meter patch of ocean over a 12-h day
Problem 38b
The enthalpy of fusion of water is 6.01 kJ/mol. Sunlight striking Earth's surface supplies 168 W per square meter (1 W = 1 watt = 1 J/s). (b) The specific heat capacity of ice is 2.032 J/g°C. If the initial temperature of a 1.00 square emter patch of ice is -5.0°C, what is its final temperature after being in sunlight for 12 h, assuming no phase changes and assuming that sunlight penetration uniformly to a depth of 1.00 cm?
Problem 42
The Ogallala aquifer described in the Closer Look box in Section 18.3, provides 82% of the drinking water for the people who live in the region, although more than 75% of the water that is pumped from it is for irrigation. Irrigation withdrawals are approximately 18 billion gallons per day. (a) Assuming that 2% of the rainfall that falls on an area of 600,000 km2 recharges the aquifer, what average annual rainfall would be required to replace the water removed for irrigation?
Problem 45
The organic anion
is found in most detergents. Assume that the anion under-goes aerobic decomposition in the following manner: C18H29SO3- + 51 O2 → 36 CO2(aq) + 28 H2O (l) + 2 H+(aq) + 2 SO42-(aq) What is the total mass of O2 required to biodegrade 10.0 g of this substance?
Problem 47
Magnesium ions are removed in water treatment by the addition of slaked lime, Ca(OH)2. Write a balanced chemical equation to describe what occurs in this process
Problem 48
In the lime soda process once used in large scale munici-pal water softening, calcium hydroxide prepared from lime and sodium carbonate are added to precipitate Ca2+ as CaCO3(s) and Mg2+ as Mg(OH)2(s): Ca2+(aq) + CO32-(aq) → CaCO3(s) Mg2+(aq) + 2 OH-(aq) → MgOH2(aq) How many moles of Ca(OH)2 and Na2CO3 should be added to soften (remove the Ca2+ and Mg2+) 1200 L of water in which [Ca2+] = 5.0x10-4 M and [Mg2+] = 7.0x10-4 M?
Ch.18 - Chemistry of the Environment