At 273 K and 1 atm pressure, 1 mol of an ideal gas occupies 22.4 L. (Section 10.4) (c) In which parts of the atmosphere would you expect gases to behave most ideally (ignoring any photochemical reactions)? [Section 18.1]
(a) What is the primary basis for the division of the atmosphere into different regions?
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Atmospheric Layers
Temperature Gradient
Composition of the Atmosphere
The figure shows the three lowest regions of Earth's atmo- sphere.
(d) An aurora borealis is due to excitation of atoms and molecules in the atmosphere 55–95 km above Earth's surface. Which regions in the figure are involved in an aurora borealis?
Where does the energy come from to evaporate the esti- mated 425,000 km3 of water that annually leaves the oceans, as illustrated here? [Section 18.3]
(a) How are the boundaries between the regions of the atmosphere determined?
(b) Explain why the stratosphere, which is about 35 km thick, has a smaller total mass than the troposphere, which is about 12 km thick.
Air pollution in the Mexico City metropolitan area is among the worst in the world. The concentration of ozone in Mexico City has been measured at 441 ppb (0.441 ppm). Mexico City sits at an altitude of 7400 feet, which means its atmospheric pressure is only 0.67 atm. (a) Calculate the partial pressure of ozone at 441 ppb if the atmospheric pressure is 0.67 atm.