Ch 17: Superposition
- Two strings are adjusted to vibrate at exactly 200 Hz. Then the tension in one string is increased slightly. Afterward, three beats per second are heard when the strings vibrate at the same time. What is the new frequency of the string that was tightened?
Problem 17
- A flute player hears four beats per second when she compares her note to a 523 Hz tuning fork (the note C). She can match the frequency of the tuning fork by pulling out the 'tuning joint' to lengthen her flute slightly. What was her initial frequency?
Problem 17
- CALC You have two small, identical boxes that generate 440 Hz notes. While holding one, you drop the other from a 20-m-high balcony. How many beats will you hear before the falling box hits the ground? You can ignore air resistance.
Problem 17
- The fundamental frequency of an open-open tube is 1500 Hz when the tube is filled with 0°C helium. What is its frequency when filled with 0°C air?
Problem 17
- A bass clarinet can be modeled as a 120-cm-long open-closed tube. A bass clarinet player starts playing in a 20° C room, but soon the air inside the clarinet warms to where the speed of sound is 352 m/s . Does the fundamental frequency increase or decrease? By how much?
Problem 17
- A 170-cm-long open-closed tube has a standing sound wave at 250 Hz on a day when the speed of sound is 340 m/s . How many pressure antinodes are there, and how far is each from the open end of the tube?
Problem 17
- BIO Deep-sea divers often breathe a mixture of helium and oxygen to avoid getting the 'bends' from breathing high-pressure nitrogen. The helium has the side effect of making the divers' voices sound odd. Although your vocal tract can be roughly described as an open-closed tube, the way you hold your mouth and position your lips greatly affects the standing-wave frequencies of the vocal tract. This is what allows different vowels to sound different. The 'ee' sound is made by shaping your vocal tract to have standing-wave frequencies at, normally, 270 Hz and 2300 Hz. What will these frequencies be for a helium-oxygen mixture in which the speed of sound at body temperature is 750 m/s ? The speed of sound in air at body temperature is 350 m/s .
Problem 17
- A 280 Hz sound wave is directed into one end of the trombone slide seen in FIGURE P17.55. A microphone is placed at the other end to record the intensity of sound waves that are transmitted through the tube. The straight sides of the slide are 80 cm in length and 10 cm apart with a semicircular bend at the end. For what slide extensions s will the microphone detect a maximum of sound intensity?
Problem 17
- A 1.0-m-tall vertical tube is filled with 20°C water. A tuning fork vibrating at 580 Hz is held just over the top of the tube as the water is slowly drained from the bottom. At what water heights, measured from the bottom of the tube, will there be a standing wave in the tube above the water?
Problem 17
- An old mining tunnel disappears into a hillside. You would like to know how long the tunnel is, but it's too dangerous to go inside. Recalling your recent physics class, you decide to try setting up standing-wave resonances inside the tunnel. Using your subsonic amplifier and loudspeaker, you find resonances at 4.5 Hz and 6.3 Hz, and at no frequencies between these. It's rather chilly inside the tunnel, so you estimate the sound speed to be 335 m/s . Based on your measurements, how far is it to the end of the tunnel?
Problem 17
- A flutist assembles her flute in a room where the speed of sound is 342 m/s . When she plays the note A, it is in perfect tune with a 440 Hz tuning fork. After a few minutes, the air inside her flute has warmed to where the speed of sound is 346 m/s. b. How far does she need to extend the 'tuning joint' of her flute to be in tune with the tuning fork?
Problem 17
- Piano tuners tune pianos by listening to the beats between the harmonics of two different strings. When properly tuned, the note A should have a frequency of 440 Hz and the note E should be at 659 Hz. c. The tuner starts with the tension in the E string a little low, then tightens it. What is the frequency of the E string when she hears four beats per second?
Problem 17