Because the degree of DNA methylation appears to be a relatively reliable genetic marker for some forms of cancer, researchers have explored the possibility of altering DNA methylation as a form of cancer therapy. Initial studies indicate that while hypomethylation suppresses the formation of some tumors, other tumors thrive. Why would one expect different cancers to respond differently to either hypomethylation or hypermethylation therapies?
From the data in Table 19.3, draw up a list of histone H3 modifications associated with gene activation. Then draw up a list of H3 modifications associated with repression.
If not, how can you reconcile these differences?

Verified Solution

Key Concepts
Histone Modifications
Gene Activation and Repression
Epigenetic Regulation
From the data in Table 19.3, draw up a list of histone H3 modifications associated with gene activation. Then draw up a list of H3 modifications associated with repression.
Are there any overlaps on the lists?
From the data in Table 19.3, draw up a list of histone H3 modifications associated with gene activation. Then draw up a list of H3 modifications associated with repression.
Are these overlaps explained by different modifications?
Amino acids are classified as positively charged, negatively charged, or electrically neutral.
Which category includes lysine?
Amino acids are classified as positively charged, negatively charged, or electrically neutral.
How does this property of lysine allow it to interact with DNA?
Amino acids are classified as positively charged, negatively charged, or electrically neutral.
How does acetylation of lysine affect its interaction with DNA, and how is this related to the activation of gene expression?