Realize that elements of the periodic table exist in different standard states or sometimes called natural states. When it comes to the natural world, we're going to say here at room temperature which is approximately 25�C, and standard pressure which is approximately 1 atmosphere. Elements exist as either solids, liquids, or gases.
So for a quick review on the periodic table, what we have here in red are the elements that exist as gases. Now some of them are monoatomic in terms of the noble gases from helium all the way down to radon. But other gases exist in a diatomic form where there are two of them combined together. This includes hydrogen, which is H2, nitrogen which is N2, oxygen which is O2, F2 for fluorine, and Cl2 for chlorine.
Then we have a few elements that can exist in the liquid phase. This includes bromine, which is also diatomic, and mercury, which is monoatomic. A vast majority of the other elements on the periodic table in their natural state or standard states exist in the solid form as monoatomic.
And then here we have in the bottom row these that aren't solids, liquids, or gases. These have been formed within laboratories or because of their high atomic masses are very unstable. So they don't come along with a phase at standard room temperature or pressure.
Now remember, in terms of these three phases in a solid, the molecules are very tightly packed together. In a liquid, they're more free to move around one another, and in gases, they're greatly spread apart. So just keep in mind when we're talking about the natural standard state of elements, these are how they exist in terms of phases and in terms of forms.
Now we also have phosphorus, sulfur, and selenium. These don't exist as monoatomic or diatomic atoms. Instead, they're going to exist as polyatomic molecules. Phosphorus exists as P4, sulfur is S8, and selenium and tellurium, which are below it, exist as Se8 and Te8. Iodine also is diatomic; it exists as I2. So keep in mind these different forms of the elements in their standard or natural states.