Redox reactions, also known as oxidation reduction reactions, involve transference of an electron or electrons between reactants and now a memory tool that'll help us remember. What does it mean to be oxidized versus reduced? Is that Leo The lion goes Ger. So Leo stands for lose electrons oxidation and GER stands for gain electrons reduction.
So let's go back and think about this. Lose electrons oxidation. Electrons are negatively charged. If I'm losing something that's negative, then my life, me as a substance becomes more positive, so losing the negative to become more positive. So you're becoming more positive as you lose negative electrons. But let's talk about this in terms of oxidation numbers. I'm becoming more positive. That means my oxidation number is increasing. Maybe I go from 2:00 to 4:00.
Now, if you're gaining negative things in your life, which we all don't want to happen, you're going to become more negative, so you become more negative in charge. What does that mean in terms of oxidation number? Well, if you are becoming more negative, that means that your number is decreasing. So your oxidation number is going down O maybe I go from +3 to -1, my oxidation number has decreased.
So just remember, Leo means lose electrons oxidation, I become more positive, my oxidation number goes up, GR gain, electrons reduction, I become more negative, my oxidation number decreases. We're going to remember this when we take a look at redox reactions.