Now, when it comes to splitting patterns for D orbitals in complexes, it depends upon their geometries. We're going to say orbitals with the strongest interactions with ligands have the greatest increase in energy. So here we have tetrahedral, octahedral, and square planar. Now remember, the difference in energy between our higher leveled orbitals and our lower leveled ones is defined as Δ, our crystal field splitting energy. And we'd say that in relation to the three of them, the Δ for tetrahedral would be the smallest, octahedral lies somewhere in the middle, and square planar would have the highest Δ.
Now if we look at tetrahedral here, remember the greatest interaction happens with the orbitals that lie in between our axes. That's why dxy, dyz, and dxz are at the top and then the ones on the bottom of the two on the bottom. Those are the orbitals that lie on or along the axis. They have lower energy because they have lower interactions. So overall we'd say that Δ has low well. Tetrahedral has low Δ for octahedral.
For octahedral, the greatest interaction occurs with the orbitals that lie along the axis or on the axis. So those would be in the form of dx2-y2 and then dz2. And we'd say that the bottom 3 again are the ones that lie in between the axes. They have less interaction and therefore have lower energy. And when it comes to the D1, as we can see that it lies somewhere in the middle. Whether it's high or that it's low, it really just depends. So we're going to say it depends.
Later on, we investigate more about octahedral species we'll get into how do we determine if it's a low Δ or a high Δ? But for right now, all we're going to say that it just depends. For square planar, this one has the most complex, difficult splitting pattern. Remember here the interactions are greatest on and in between axes that involve the X and Y axes. Here we'd say that dx2-y2 have the greatest interaction there, so it's at the top, followed by dxy, which still has X and Y characteristics, and then a little bit weird dz2, which is actually right in the middle of everything and at the very bottom dyz and dxz.
When it comes to square planar, we'd say that it has a high Δ. We can see how this stacks up much higher and longer than the other ones, so the difference between the higher energy levels and the lower ones we can see as much greater, right? So just remember these key points when it comes to these three different complexes and the relationship with Crystal Field.