An energy diagram can be thought of as a curved plot on a graph that illustrates the energies of reactants, products, and transition state as a reaction occurs. Now here we have the basic layout for an energy diagram and we're going to say here that reactants, which we're going to label as R, are found on the left in the beginning and products, which are going to label as P, are found to the right at the end.
So if we take a look here at this energy diagram, at the very beginning, we have our reactants here and at the very end of the curve represents our products. Now here our transition state, which we'll abbreviate as TS, represents the maximum or Max energy structure along a reaction coordinate between reactants and products. So here the very top of this curve would be our transition state. Now sometimes the transition state is referred to as the activated complex. So you may hear either term within lecture.
Your reaction coordinate is just the progress of a reaction pathway that lies along the X axis. So here our reaction coordinate will be. Here it looks at the entire chemical reaction as we go from reactant up to transition state down towards our products. Now here we're going to say that the last term you should familiarize yourself with is activation energy, sometimes referred to as our energy barrier. This is abbreviated as EA. This is just the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur.
Here it would be here EA. So EA is basically the distance from your reactant starting point up to your transition state. So when we're dealing with any typical type of energy diagrams, these are the important terms you need to remember when trying to describe the layout of this particular energy diagram.