The face centered cubic unit cell is composed of a cube with an atom in each corner and three atoms on the faces. Now if we took all of this into consideration, that means that a face centered cubic unit cell has a total of 4 atoms per one unit cell and again three of them are in the center.
If we take a look here at the image, remember each one of these red spheres is shared by neighboring unit cells. Each one represents 1/8 of an atom. And since there are eight corners, 18 * 8 means that this unit cell, one atom of it comes from the corners. And then here we have these six spheres in the center. This unit cell shares half of each of those spheres, right? So we'd say here, because of that, that gives us another three atoms. And that's how we come up with our total of 4 total atoms for our face centered cubic unit cell.
Now the edge length. Because there's a small little gap here, our edge length will not be just simply 2R becomes now 2 * sqrt(2) * R. And remember, as our complexity increases, both our packing efficiency as well as our coordination number will increase. Here our packing efficiency becomes 74% and our coordination number now is 12.
Now, these are the important ideas and key values associated with any type of face centered cubic unit cell, so keep them in mind anytime we're dealing with this particular type of unit cells.