The logarithmic base ten form represents the exponent that 10 must be raised in order to obtain that specific number. Now what does this really mean? Let's take a look at these examples here. So here we're looking at the powers that we can raise 10 to, and the answer that results. So 10 to the one is just 10 * 1, which gives us 10.
10 1 = 10
10 4 = 10000
10 - 1 = 1 10 = 0.10
And then 10 to the zero. Any number to the 0TH power equals one.
10 0 = 1
How does this relate to my log function? Well here we have log of 10 gives us 1. Really what this is saying? It's saying that 10 to what number gives me one. The answer would be 1 here. Log of 10,000. All right. So think of it like this, we have log of 10,000, so that's really log of 10 to the four. Whatever the number is here because remember this is log base 10. What happens here is that this will cancel out with this. So it would get 4 left at the end here.
log ( 10 ) = 1
log ( 10000 ) = log ( 10 4 ) = 4
When we get log of 0.10, what does that really mean? That really means log of 10 to the -1. So this cancels out with this and gives us -1. Then we have log of one, right? So you'd say here, so log base 10 and then 10 to the one here. Well, we'll tend to 0 here actually. Sorry, equals 0. So that's what's really going on here.
log ( 0.10 ) = log ( 10 - 1 ) = - 1
log ( 1 ) = 0
And if we have log of 10, think that of as log base 10 and then 10 to the one equals one. So we're just converting each of these values by 10 to some power. The log portion cancels out the 10 and leaves behind the exponent as my final answer. That's how we can see log.
log ( 10 ) = 1
I know you guys have calculators, but there may come a point where you have this within a math class or within an MCAT or PCAT or OAT or DAT later on, much later on after you've taken all these science courses where you have to understand these relationships. And this is how our log base function is connected to multiples of 10. Knowing that helps us to get to the answer.
Now understanding this, try to see if you can answer example one. So here we're going to use this without a calculator. Try to do it without a calculator, see what answer you get and then afterwards come back use a calculator and see if your answer matches up. I hope you guys a little bit for the first one.
So here this log is getting distributed to the one and to the 10 to the -7. Now when that happens, what that means is we have log of one, and because they're multiplying, it really means that we're adding so it's plus log of 10 to the -7. See if you guys can figure out what the answer is without using a calculator. Come back and see if your answer matches up with mine.
log ( 1 ) + log ( 10 - 7 )