Now spontaneity It determines whether a reaction or process under certain conditions occurs or not. Now when we say spontaneous versus non spontaneous, what exactly do we mean? Well, when we say a spontaneous reaction, we mean that it is a natural process which does not require a constant outside energy source. Now a spontaneous reaction, we're going to say that it favors a formation of products at equilibrium. So your reactants go towards making products.
When we say non spontaneous reaction, a non spontaneous reaction is an unnatural process which requires a constant outside energy source in order for it to occur. We're going to say here it does not favor formational products in equilibrium. It rather stay in its reactant form. Now here's spontaneity does not determine the speed of a reaction or process. When we take a look at a reaction, there's two things you need to keep in mind. We're talking about thermodynamics which deals with spontaneity and non spontaneous reactions. So that determines if the reaction can go or not.
On the other side, we look at kinetics which looks at the speed of a reaction. It doesn't matter if a reaction takes a million years to happen or if it takes a second to happen, if it can happen naturally, it's a spontaneous reaction. Speed does not matter. So if we take a look here, we have two types of reactions here. We're going to say we have diamond, carbon, diamond, going towards basically graphite, carbon graphite. We see that on the top arrow it's spontaneous. This is a natural process. Over time, diamonds can transform into graphite.
So that's just I guess a cheaper form of carbon if you want to say. But the good thing is this takes millions of years. So you can buy diamonds and you don't have to worry about them converting into graphite overtime. Like it will take millions of years for that to happen. So here we'd say the rate in the forward reaction is going to be slow. It happens very slowly. And we're going to say that if you're spontaneous in One Direction, then you're non spontaneous in the opposite direction. So going from graphite to diamond is a non spontaneous process. It does not occur naturally.
We have to basically input a lot of energy, a lot of heat, a lot of pressure in order to transform graphite into diamonds, because the process is not a natural process. That's what makes diamonds also so precious. Now here we have another type of reaction. Here we have CO2 plus water, giving us glucose plus oxygen. Here we'd say that this is an example of photosynthesis, right? So we have sunlight here. Sunlight is the outside energy source that's needed. Without it, this cannot occur.
So we'd say here this reaction happens pretty fast. If we have the outside energy source present, it's just going to push it forward, not going in the opposite direction where glucose plus oxygen gives us CO2 and water. So here in that direction we are a spontaneous reaction. So it's easy for glucose and oxygen to basically produce CO2 plus water. So this is cellular respiration on our part. OK, So we exude or or or breathe out CO2 into the environment. OK, so that is a natural process, right?
So again remember, a spontaneous process is natural. It can occur without the need of outside energy. A non spontaneous one is not natural and it needs a constant flow of energy for it to even have a possibility of forming. Without that energy source it does not naturally occur and there will be no products being formed. So keep this in mind. Also, spontaneous reactions can take a second to happen or less, where they can take millions of years. The fact that it can happen makes it spontaneous.