Will the following carbohydrates produce a positive Benedict’s test?
(b) lactose
Will the following carbohydrates produce a positive Benedict’s test?
(b) lactose
The glycosidic bond in a disaccharide was determined to be α (1→6) . Hydrolysis of the disaccharide produced one galactose and one fructose. Draw the structure of the disaccharide.
ALLIED Health Our bodies cannot digest cellulose because we lack the enzyme cellulase. Why is cellulose an important part of a healthy diet if we cannot digest it?
Glycogen and amylopectin are both branched polymers of glucose. Read the descriptions of each in Section 6.6. Which molecule has a more compact structure? Explain.
On an exam, a student was asked to draw the Fischer projection of l-glucose, but he had only memorized the structure of d-glucose. He wrote the structure of d-glucose and switched the hydroxyl group on C5 from the right to the left. Was his answer correct? If not, what is the name of the aldose that he drew?
Carbohydrates are abbreviated using a three-letter abbreviation followed by their glycosidic bond type. For example, maltose and sucrose can be written respectively as
Glcα (1→4) Glc Glcα (1→2) ßFru
Maltose Sucrose
Provide the structure for the O-type blood carbohydrate set given the following abbreviation:
L-Fucα (1→2) Galß (1→4) GlcNAc