Problem 1
Which of the following traits would you expect to be inherited as quantitative traits?
coat color in dogsProblem 1
Define and distinguish incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity.
Problem 2
For the traits listed in the previous problem, which do you think are likely to be multifactorial traits, with phenotypes that are influenced by genes and environment? Identify two environmental factors that might play a role in phenotypic variation of the traits you identified.
Problem 2
Define and distinguish epistasis and pleiotropy.
Problem 3
In a test of his chromosome theory of heredity, Morgan crossed a female Drosophila with red eyes to a male with white eyes. The females were produced from Cross A shown in Figure 3.19. Predict the offspring Morgan would have expected under his hypothesis that the gene for eye color is on the X chromosome in fruit flies.
Problem 3
Compare and contrast broad sense heritability and narrow sense heritability, giving an example of each measurement and identifying how the measurement is used.
Problem 4
In a cross of two pure-breeding lines of tomatoes producing different fruit sizes, the variance in grams (g) of fruit weight in the F₁ is 2.25 g and the variance among the F₂ is 5.40 g. Determine the genetic and environmental variance (VG and VE) for the trait and the broad sense heritability of the trait.
Problem 5
Describe the difference between continuous phenotypic variation and discontinuous variation. Explain how polygenic inheritance could be the basis of a trait showing continuous phenotypic variation. Explain how polygenic inheritance can be the basis of a threshold trait.
Problem 6
In Drosophila, the map positions of genes are given in map units numbering from one end of a chromosome to the other. The X chromosome of Drosophila is 66 m.u. long. The X-linked gene for body color—with two alleles, y⁺ for gray body and y for yellow body—resides at one end of the chromosome at map position 0.0. A nearby locus for eye color, with alleles w⁺ for red eye and w for white eye, is located at map position 1.5. A third X-linked gene, controlling bristle form, with f⁺ for normal bristles and f for forked bristles, is located at map position 56.7. At each locus the wild-type allele is dominant over the mutant allele.
In a cross involving these three X-linked genes, do you expect any gene pair(s) to show genetic linkage? Explain your reasoning.Problem 6
In Drosophila, the map positions of genes are given in map units numbering from one end of a chromosome to the other. The X chromosome of Drosophila is 66 m.u. long. The X-linked gene for body color—with two alleles, y⁺ for gray body and y for yellow body—resides at one end of the chromosome at map position 0.0. A nearby locus for eye color, with alleles w⁺ for red eye and w for white eye, is located at map position 1.5. A third X-linked gene, controlling bristle form, with f⁺ for normal bristles and f for forked bristles, is located at map position 56.7. At each locus the wild-type allele is dominant over the mutant allele.
Do you expect any of these gene pair(s) to assort independently? Explain your reasoning.Problem 6
In Drosophila, the map positions of genes are given in map units numbering from one end of a chromosome to the other. The X chromosome of Drosophila is 66 m.u. long. The X-linked gene for body color—with two alleles, y⁺ for gray body and y for yellow body—resides at one end of the chromosome at map position 0.0. A nearby locus for eye color, with alleles w⁺ for red eye and w for white eye, is located at map position 1.5. A third X-linked gene, controlling bristle form, with f⁺ for normal bristles and f for forked bristles, is located at map position 56.7. At each locus the wild-type allele is dominant over the mutant allele.
A wild-type female fruit fly with the genotype y⁺w⁺f/ywf⁺ is crossed to a male fruit fly that has yellow body, white eye, and forked bristles. Predict the frequency of each progeny phenotype class produced by this mating.Problem 6
In Drosophila, the map positions of genes are given in map units numbering from one end of a chromosome to the other. The X chromosome of Drosophila is 66 m.u. long. The X-linked gene for body color—with two alleles, y⁺ for gray body and y for yellow body—resides at one end of the chromosome at map position 0.0. A nearby locus for eye color, with alleles w⁺ for red eye and w for white eye, is located at map position 1.5. A third X-linked gene, controlling bristle form, with f⁺ for normal bristles and f for forked bristles, is located at map position 56.7. At each locus the wild-type allele is dominant over the mutant allele.
Explain how each of the predicted progeny classes is produced.Problem 6
Calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation for a sample of turkeys weighed at 8 weeks of age that have the following weights in ounces: 161, 172, 155, 173, 149, 177, 156, 174, 158, 162, 171, 181.
Problem 6
The ABO and MN blood groups are shown for four sets of parents (1 to 4) and four children (a to d). Recall that the ABO blood group has three alleles: I^A, I^B and i. The MN blood group has two codominant alleles, M and N. Using your knowledge of these genetic systems, match each child with every set of parents who might have conceived the child, and exclude any parental set that could not have conceived the child. <>
Problem 7
The wild-type color of horned beetles is black, although other colors are known. A black horned beetle from a pure-breeding strain is crossed to a pure-breeding green female beetle. All of their F₁ progeny are black. These F₁ are allowed to mate at random with one another, and 320 F₂ beetles are produced. The F₂ consists of 179 black, 81 green, and 60 brown. Use these data to explain the genetics of horned beetle color.
Problem 7
Provide a definition and an example for each of the following terms:
additive genesProblem 7
Provide a definition and an example for each of the following terms:
concordance of twin pairsProblem 7
Provide a definition and an example for each of the following terms:
multifactorial inheritanceProblem 7
Provide a definition and an example for each of the following terms:
polygenic inheritanceProblem 7
Provide a definition and an example for each of the following terms:
quantitative trait locusProblem 7
Provide a definition and an example for each of the following terms:
threshold traitProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
9/16 dark blue : 6/16 light blue : 1/16 whiteProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
12/16 white : 3/16 green : 1/16 yellowProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
9/16 green : 3/16 yellow : 3/16 blue : 1/16 whiteProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
9/16 red : 7/16 whiteProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
15/16 black : 1/16 whiteProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
9/16 black : 3/16 gray : 4/16 albinoProblem 8
Two genes interact to produce various phenotypic ratios among F₂ progeny of a dihybrid cross. Design a different pathway explaining each of the F₂ ratios below, using hypothetical genes R and T and assuming that the dominant allele at each locus catalyzes a different reaction or performs an action leading to pigment production. The recessive allele at each locus is null (loss-of-function). Begin each pathway with a colorless precursor that produces a white or albino phenotype if it is unmodified. The ratios are for F₂ progeny produced by crossing wild-type F₁ organisms with the genotype RrTt.
13/16 white : 3/16 greenProblem 8
What is a random sample, and why can a random sample be used to represent a population?
Problem 9
Why is heritability an important phenomenon in plant and animal agriculture?
Ch. 4 - Gene Interaction