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Ch.21 - Organic Chemistry

Chapter 21, Problem 85c

Name each amine


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Hello, everyone. Today we have the following problem. Write the name of the amine shown. So in naming amines, we first want to identify any alkyl groups that are attached to the nitrogen atom. We see here that we have one methyl. There, we have an ethyl carb, an ethyl group as composed of two carbons. And then we have a pencil group as it is composed of five carbons. We then named the alco groups alphabetically as substituents. So between the E and ethyl M and methyl and P and pencil, the ethyl would come first. So we would have ethyl followed by the methyl because M and methyl comes before the P and pencil and then we would lastly have pencil and then we always end the naming of amines with amine. And it's also important to note that we do not include spaces between the last substituent and the Aming name. And with that, we have solved the problem overall, I hope it helped. And until next time.