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Ch.21 - Organic Chemistry

Chapter 21, Problem 86a

Draw the structure for each amine.

a. isopropylamine

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Welcome back, everyone provide the structure of sag beetle amine. According to the problem, we are given a common name of an amine and we know that primary amines have a form of an alkyl group bonded to NH two, which is the amino group. And in this case, our alkyl group is seg beetle group. So what we're going to do is draw a four member because that's our beetle group. And se essentially means that we have a secondary carbon bonded to the amino group. So we have two equivalent secondary carbons, we're going to choose one of them and then simply we're going to bond that secondary carbon to the amino group and H two. And this is how we have obtained the required structure for this problem. That would be it for today. And thank you for watching.