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Ch.21 - Organic Chemistry

Chapter 21, Problem 88c

List the products of each amine reaction. c.

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Welcome back, everyone. Draw the products of the following reaction of a carboxylic acid with an amine. We are given our carboxylic acid, we can essentially identify the carboxyl group, right. So that's our acid and we're given our amine. That's because it contains nitrogen with two alkyl groups. B it as well as nitrogen. So that's our secondary amine. And of course, based on the fact that it contains a long pair of electrons, it can act as a base, a proton acceptor. However, we have to recognize that this is a condensation reaction because we are observing a reaction between an amine which is a weak base and a carboxylic acid. What we have to recall is that a condensation reaction involves the loss of a low molecular weight molecule such as water, right? The way we get water is simply by combining the oh from the acid and a hydrogen from nitrogen. So we are essentially combining hoh which gives us H2O and then we are simply replacing the oh with nitrogen. So let's go ahead and draw the other product. We can start by drawing the carbon chain. Now let's go ahead and draw the car Bono. And we understand that the oh is now get is now replaced with nitrogen. What else is attached to nitrogen? Well, essentially we have our ay subscriptions. One of them is an ethyl group. The other one is an isopropyl group and there is no more hydrogen bonnets and hydrogen because it's now part of water or H2O. And that's it. We have determined the products of this condensation reaction. Thank you for watching.