Hey everyone. So here we're going to say that in 1897, JJ Thompson's Capital Rate 2 experiments led to discovery of the negative charge of electrons. But what we can say further is that Thompson was unable to determine how much negative charge an electron possesses, and it wasn't until 1913 where Robert Milliken and Harvey Fletcher discovered the fundamental charge of an electron.
Now here we're going to talk about the Milliken oil drop experiment. Here we're going to say that Milliken and Fletcher used oil droplets, charged plates, gravity, and X-rays to determine the amount of charge. And here there are certain things that we need to remember. We have our atomizer. This is just the container used to disperse the individual oil droplets. Here in this drawing we can say that this is our atomizer and what we do here is we would basically drive this atomizer into this opening and basically squeeze on the nozzle and a mist of oil droplets will be sprayed within our apparatus.
Next we need to realize that we have something called electric force. This is basically the attractive and repulsive forces between particles based on electric charges. Remember in chemistry opposite charges attract. We're going to say same charge as repel. Now once we've stuck in this atomizer and basically dispersed our old droplets into the apparatus, Here we have our oil droplets. These little dots. What happens here is these oil droplets are going to fall through. Here, This plate, this plate here on top is our positively charged plate.
OK, now going back to the experiment, the oil droplets we say were introduced to the atomizer. They go through the positive plate here. This is our X-ray source. So it's basically going to ZAP our oil droplets. So the X-ray source zaps our oil droplets to give them a negative charge. Here we have our microscope, which basically looks at our charged oil droplet, which would be this little dot right here. So here that's our charged oil droplet and this blue plate here would just be our negatively charged plate.
Now this box here would be our voltmeter which will read the voltage or charge that could be produced within this experiment. Now here if we turn on the power of the charge plates, it's going to create an electric field. And what's important about this electric field is we're going to say that if the voltage is turned up and it becomes greater than the force of gravity, that the the droplet itself will rise. But if the voltage is not high enough and it's less than the force of gravity, then the old droplet will fall.
What we have to do here is we have to apply the right amount of voltage. That'll help if we can do it. Help the droplet be suspended in air. And if we could suspend that droplet in air between our positive and negative plates, it's through the suspension that we can figure out the charge of our electron. And that's what they were able to do with this experiment. See, through the suspension of the oil droplets, the charge of an electron is determined to be -1.60×10-19coulombs coulombs representing charge.
OK, so just realize that when it came to the Milliken oil drop experiment, it helped to further the experiment of Thompson. It helped us to figure out the amount of negative charge on any given electron, yeah.