Now, the magnetic properties of complexes depends on how the transition metal valence electrons fill D orbitals. Now here we're going to talk about large crystal field splitting energy and small crystal field splitting energy. Well, with large crystal field splitting energy, we're going to say that lower energy orbitals fill first. This is what gives us what we call a low spin complex.
Now think of it like this. If your difference in energy is pretty high, going to cost you a lot of energy as an electron to try to go up to a higher energy level. The easier thing to do is just to stay on the same energy level as your other orbitals and continue to fill them out. If we take a look here, we have our metal cation with no ligands attached, and let's say that it has six electrons. Those six electrons, if we're talking about a low spin structure, we're going to fill in the lower energy orbitals.
So we take our six electrons, and following Hun's rule, we'd fill up halfway, First up, up. But remember we have 6 electrons we need to fill O. We're going to go down, down, down. So there's a couple things we can say here. We did this again because the cost of energy to go up to the higher level is pretty high. There's a large change in our crystal field splitting energy. Easier to just stay on that lower row of orbitals.
If we take a look, every single electron is paired up here, so within this low spin example we have a diamagnetic species. Remember diamagnetic means you have no unpaired electrons. And also remember we have our basically our five orbitals here have been split. We have here dx, dyz and dxz. These are in between the axes, they're the ones that are belonging to T2 sets. And then we have dx2 - y2 and then dz2. These are along or on the axis, they're higher up in energy and the difference between them is our crystal field splitting energy.
Now, what happens if the difference is small? Well, if you have a small crystal field splitting energy difference, then the orbitals are treated as degenerate. Remember we've talked about this word in earlier chapters, It just means that they're at the same energy. So although they're tiered where we have these three on the lower part and these two are on the higher part because their difference in energy is so, so much smaller, we're going to treat them as the same. So it's not going to cost as much energy for an electron to try to fill up the higher levels.
So here we call this also a high spin complex. So here we have high spin. We have these same 6 electrons originally, so we're going to start filling up op, op. That's three 4-5. And then we still have that 6th 1:00. So we come back down down O. We've filled in our six electrons. We can see here that the difference in crystal field splitting energy between T2 and esat arm is much smaller. That's why we can do this.
Another thing we should notice here is that we have some electrons that are not paired up. If we have a species that has at least one unpaired electron, we say that is called paramagnetic. So just keep in mind when we're talking about differences in crystal field energy splitting energy, if it's too large, electrons rather just stay on the bottom level. That's more stable, less energetic. Fill that out as much as it can before even attempts to go up to a higher level.
In this case you'll have a low spin complex. In this example here we have it as a diamagnetic species. If you have a very small difference in your two sets of orbitals then treat them as the same in terms of energy or degeneracy. So you'd have a high spin complex and you would have fill all of them first before you start filling U the lower row. So just keep this in mind the differences between high and low complexes in relation to crystal field splitting energy.