Referring to Figure 11.29, describe the phase changes (and the temperatures at which they occur) when CO2 is heated from -80 to -20°C at (a) a constant pressure of 3 atm,
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Hello everyone today. We have the following graph. The following figure shows the Phase Diagram of Sulfur dioxide determine the phase change that occurs when sulfur dioxide is cooled from 77°C to negative 52.6°C at 10 atmospheric pressure. So the first thing we want to do since our temperature is in kelvin is convert our temperatures in the question from Celsius to kelvin. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our temperature and we're simply going to add 273.15 kelvin. And so the first one is going to give us 350.15 kelvin and for the second temperature that is going to be negative 52.6 degrees Celsius plus to 73.15 kelvin To give us 220.15 Kelvin. And so we're simply just going to trace on the graph where that is. And so we're gonna go from 350 at 10 atmospheres will be right here. It's going to be right in this region. and 220 at 10 is going to be at about this region here. So we see that we're going to go from the region that has gas to a liquid. And if we are going from a gas to a liquid that is representative of condensation. And so that is going to be the phase change that is occurring. And with that we've answered our question, I hope this helped until next time