Each of the following statements about protein synthesis is false. Correct each to make a true statement.
c. The enzyme RNA polymerase builds a strand of transfer RNA, whose codons are complementary to DNA's triplets.
Each of the following statements about protein synthesis is false. Correct each to make a true statement.
c. The enzyme RNA polymerase builds a strand of transfer RNA, whose codons are complementary to DNA's triplets.
Each of the following statements about protein synthesis is false. Correct each to make a true statement.
d. Proteins destined for secretion from the cell enter the nucleus after translation, to be folded and modified.
Each of the following statements about protein synthesis is false. Correct each to make a true statement.
e. During translation, amino acids are delivered by the messenger RNA transcript.
Which of the following is not a phase of mitosis?
a. Interphase
b. Prophase
c. Anaphase
d. Metaphase
Why is regulation of the cell cycle necessary?
Mark the following statements about the cell cycle as true or false. If a statement is false, correct it to make a true statement.
a. During the S phase of the cell cycle, the cell stalls until conditions for division are more favorable