Balance the following equations: b. WCl6(π )+Na2S(π )βΆWS2(π )+NaCl(π )+S(π )
Write balanced chemical equations corresponding to each of the following descriptions: c. Solid zinc metal reacts with sulfuric acid to form hydrogen gas and an aqueous solution of zinc sulfate.
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Balancing Chemical Equations
Types of Chemical Reactions
Chemical Formulas and States of Matter
Balance the following equations: c. NaHCO3(π )+H2SO4(ππ)βΆCO2(π)+H2O(π)+Na2SO4(ππ)
Balance the following equations: d, NaN3(π )+HNO2(ππ)βΆN2(π)+NO(π)+NaOH(ππ)
Write balanced chemical equations to correspond to each of the following descriptions: (b) Boron sulfide, B2S31s2, reacts violently with water to form dissolved boric acid, H3BO3, and hydrogen sulfide gas.
Write balanced chemical equations to correspond to each of the following descriptions: (c) Phosphine, PH31g2, combusts in oxygen gas to form water vapor and solid tetraphosphorus decaoxide.
Write balanced chemical equations to correspond to each of the following descriptions: (d) When solid mercury(II) nitrate is heated, it decomposes to form solid mercury(II) oxide, gaseous nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen.