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Ch.14 - Chemical Kinetics

Chapter 14, Problem 18a

(a) What are the units usually used to express the rates of reactions occurring in solution?

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Hi everyone for this problem. It reads Khaimah trips in Catalyze. Is protein analysis or the hydrologic breakdown of proteins. It can cleave peptide bonds at a rate of 100 molecules per second, which component of this description corresponds to the terms enzyme, substrate and turnover number. Okay, so we want to first define these terms and then see what corresponds based off of what was given in the description. So, an enzyme is something that speeds up a chemical reaction. And so here we see that it says chemo trips in catalyze is protocol ISIS. So it's speeding it up. And so this kind of trips in is going to be our enzyme. Okay, next is substrate a substrate is the substance on which an enzyme acts. And so here we can see that it breaks down, it says or the hydrologic breakdown of proteins. Okay, so our substrate here is going to be proteins and lastly turnover number. Our turnover number is the number of substrate molecules transformed per minute by a single enzyme. And here we're told, we have a rate of 100 molecules per second. And so that is going to be our turnover number. Okay, so those are the components of the description that correspond to the following terms. That's the end of this problem. I hope this was helpful