The atomic masses of nitrogen-14, titanium-48, and xenon-129 are 13.999234 amu, 47.935878 amu, and 128.904779 amu, respectively. For each isotope, calculate (a) the nuclear mass.
The isotope 6228Ni has the largest binding energy per nucleon of any isotope. Calculate this value from the atomic mass of nickel-62 (61.928345 amu) and compare it with the value given for iron-56 in Table 21.7.

Based on the following atomic mass values: 1H, 1.00782 amu; 2H, 2.01410 amu; 3H, 3.01605 amu; 3He, 3.01603 amu; 4He, 4.00260 amu—and the mass of the neutron given in the text, calculate the energy released per mole in each of the following nuclear reactions, all of which are possibilities for a controlled fusion process:
(a) 21H + 31H → 42He + 10n
(b) 21H + 21H → 32He + 10n
(c) 21H + 32He → 42He + 11H
Iodine-131 is a convenient radioisotope to monitor thyroid activity in humans. It is a beta emitter with a half-life of 8.02 days. The thyroid is the only gland in the body that uses iodine. A person undergoing a test of thyroid activity drinks a solution of NaI, in which only a small fraction of the iodide is radioactive. (c) A normal thyroid will take up about 12% of the ingested iodide in a few hours. How long will it take for the radioactive iodide taken up and held by the thyroid to decay to 0.01% of the original amount?
Why is it important that radioisotopes used as diagnostic tools in nuclear medicine produce gamma radiation when they decay? Why are alpha emitters not used as diagnostic tools?