A particular form of cinnabar (HgS) adopts the zinc blende structure. The length of the unit cell edge is 5.852 Å. (c) Which of the two substances has the higher density? How do you account for the difference in densities?
The coordination number for the Al3+ ion is typically between four and six. Use the anion coordination number to determine the Al3 + coordination number in the following compounds: (b) Al2O3 where the oxygen ions are six coordinate.
Verified Solution
Key Concepts
Coordination Number
Aluminum Ion (Al3+)
Anion Coordination
CuI, CsI, and NaI each adopt a different type of structure. The three different structures are those shown in Figure 12.26. (a) Use ionic radii, Cs+ 1r = 1.81 A 2, Na+ 1r = 1.16 A 2, Cu+ 1r = 0.74 A 2, and, I- 1r = 2.06 A 2, to predict which compound will crystallize with which structure.
The coordination number for the Al3+ ion is typically between four and six. Use the anion coordination number to determine the Al3 + coordination number in the following compounds: (a) AlF3 where the fluoride ions are two coordinate.
The coordination number for the Al3+ ion is typically between four and six. Use the anion coordination number to determine the Al3 + coordination number in the following compounds: (c) AlN where the nitride ions are four coordinate.
Both covalent-network solids and ionic solids can have melting points well in excess of room temperature, and both can be poor conductors of electricity in their pure form. However, in other ways their properties are quite different. (a) Which type of solid is more likely to dissolve in water?
For each of the following pairs of semiconductors, which one will have the larger band gap: (a) CdS or CdTe?