In this video, we're going to take a look at hydrohalogenation reactions. So under this type of reaction, one hydrogen and one halogen, either bromine or chlorine are added to one Pi bond O. Here in our general type of reaction we have an alkene to start with and we're reacting it with Ajax here.
One hydrogen would go to one of these double bonded carbons and the halogen to the other. Both of them are the same. It's a symmetrical molecule. Both alkene carbons have the same number of hydrogens. So here you could either, you can either add the H here or here and then you'd have the halogen to the other side.
Here I choose to add them in these positions. And at the end of it, what do we just make? Well, we transitioned from an alkene reactant to an alkyl halid product. So when it comes to hydrohalogenation, we're trying to create alkyl Halid products as our final answer.