What is a biodiversity “hotspot”?
a. an area where an all-taxon survey is under way
b. a habitat with high NPP
c. an area with high species richness and high threat to those species
What is a biodiversity “hotspot”?
a. an area where an all-taxon survey is under way
b. a habitat with high NPP
c. an area with high species richness and high threat to those species
What does ecosystem service refer to? Select True or False for each statement.
T/FBenefits that humans derive from organisms and ecosystems.
T/FBenefits that non-human animals derive from their prey.
Why is the common phrase 'humans and animals' not accurate in biology? Suggest one way that a more scientific outlook could boost conservation efforts.
Some biologists prefer to focus efforts on preserving endangered species while others prefer to focus on preserving ecosystems. What is your advice to biologists, based on the evidence from this chapter?
Explain why the construction of wildlife corridors can help maintain genetic diversity in a fragmented landscape.
Suppose that record snows blanket your campus this winter. Your friend says this is proof that global warming isn't really occurring. What is the flaw in your friend's logic? a. The average temperature of the Earth is not actually increasing. b. Global warming refers to temperatures, but snow is a type of precipitation. c. While the average global temperature is increasing, local temperatures and precipitation (weather) will vary. d. Your friend is confusing global warming and global climate change.