Ch. 12 The Central Nervous System
- The primary motor cortex, Broca's area, and the premotor cortex are located in which lobe? a. frontal, b. parietal, c. temporal, d. occipital.
Problem 1
- Match the names of the supporting cells found in column B with the appropriate descriptions in column A. Column A _______ (1) myelinates nerve fibers in the CNS _______ (2) lines brain cavities _______ (3) myelinates nerve fibers in the PNS _______ (4) CNS phagocyte ________(5) helps regulate the ionic composition of CNS extracellular fluid Column B a. astrocyte b. ependymal cell c. microglial cell d. oligodendrocyte e. satellite cell f. Schwann cell
Problem 2
- The innermost layer of the meninges, delicate and adjacent to the brain tissue, is the a. dura mater, b. corpus callosum, c. arachnoid mater, d. pia mater.
Problem 2
- Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by a. arachnoid granulations, b. dura mater, c. choroid plexuses, d. all of these.
Problem 3
- Choose the correct term from the key to respond to the statements describing various brain areas. Key: a. cerebellum b. corpora quadrigemina c. corpus callosum d. striatum e. hypothalamus f. medulla g. midbrain h. pons i. thalamus ________ (1) basal nuclei involved in fine control of motor activities ________ (2) region where there is a crossover of fibers of descending pyramidal tracts ________ (3) control of temperature, autonomic nervous system reflexes, hunger, and water balance _________ (4) houses the substantia nigra and cerebral aqueduct _________ (5) relay stations for visual and auditory stimuli input; found in midbrain _________ (6) houses vital centers for control of the heart, respiration, and blood pressure _________ (7) brain area through which all the sensory input is relayed to get to the cerebral cortex _________ (8) brain area most concerned with equilibrium, body posture, and coordination of motor activity
Problem 4
- A professor unexpectedly blew a loud horn in his anatomy and physiology class. The students looked up, startled. The reflexive movements of their eyes were mediated by the a. cerebral cortex, b. inferior olives, c. raphe nuclei, d. superior colliculi, e. nucleus gracilis.
Problem 7
- List four ways in which the CNS is protected.
Problem 10
- What constitutes the blood brain barrier?
Problem 11
- A patient has suffered a cerebral hemorrhage that has caused dysfunction of the precentral gyrus of his right cerebral cortex. As a result, a. he cannot voluntarily move his left arm or leg, b. he feels no sensation on the left side of his body, c. he feels no sensation on his right side.
Problem 12
- A number of brain structures are listed below. If an area is primarily gray matter, write a in the answer blank; if mostly white matter, respond with b. ________ (1) cerebral cortex ________ (2) corpus callosum and corona radiata ________ (3) red nucleus ________ (4) medial and lateral nuclear groups ________ (5) medial lemniscus ________ (6) cranial nerve nuclei ________ (7) spinothalamic tract ________ (8) fornix ________ (9) cingulate and precentral gyri
Problem 13
- a. What is the advantage of having a cerebrum that is highly convoluted? b. What term is used to indicate its grooves? Its outward folds? c. Which groove divides the cerebrum into two hemispheres? d. What divides the parietal from the frontal lobe? The parietal from the temporal lobe?
Problem 15
- a. Contrast unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons structurally. b. Indicate where each is most likely to be found.
Problem 16
- a. Make a rough drawing of the lateral aspect of the left cerebral hemisphere. b. You may be thinking, 'But I just can't draw!' So, name the hemisphere involved with most people's ability to draw. c. On your drawing, locate the following areas and provide the major function of each: primary motor cortex, premotor cortex, somatosensory association cortex, primary somatosensory cortex, visual and auditory areas, prefrontal cortex, Wernicke's and Broca's areas.
Problem 16
- Explain how the cerebellum is physically connected to the brain stem.
Problem 17
- Describe the stages of sleep and outline the order in which we progress through these stages during a typical night's sleep
Problem 18
- a. How is cerebrospinal fluid formed and drained? Describe its pathway within and around the brain. b What happens if CSF does not drain properly? Why is this consequence more harmful in adults?
Problem 19
- Describe the functional problems that would be experienced by a person in which these fiber tracts have been cut: a. lateral spinothalamic, b. ventral and dorsal spinocerebellar, c. tectospinal.
Problem 20
- Robert, a brilliant computer analyst, suffered a blow to his anterior skull from a falling rock while mountain climbing. Shortly thereafter, it was obvious to his coworkers that his behavior had undergone a dramatic change. Although previously a smart dresser, he was now unkempt. One morning, he was observed defecating into the wastebasket. Which region of Robert's brain was affected by the cranial blow?
Problem 22
- a. What does lateralization of cortical functioning mean? b. Why is the term cerebral dominance a misnomer?
Problem 23
- Describe the spinal cord, depicting its extent, its composition of gray and white matter, and its spinal roots.
Problem 27
- Central pattern generators (CPGs) are found at the segmental level of motor control. a. What is the job of the CPGs? b. What controls them, and where is this control localized?
Problem 28
- a. Define cerebrovascular accident or CVA. b. Describe its possible causes and consequences.
Problem 28
- A 10-month-old infant has an enlarging head circumference and delayed overall development. Her CSF pressure is elevated, and she has a bulging anterior fontanelle (fontanelles are the as yet unossified fibrous membranes connecting skull bones in infants). Based on these findings, answer the following questions: a. What are the possible cause(s) of an enlarged head? b. Which tests might be helpful in obtaining information about this infant's problem? c. Assuming the tests conducted showed the cerebral aqueduct to be constricted, which ventricles or CSF-containing areas would you expect to be enlarged? Which would likely not be visible? Respond to the same questions based on a finding of obstructed arachnoid granulations.
Problem 29