Textbook Question
Choose the correct term from the key to respond to the statements describing various brain areas.
a. cerebellum
b. corpora quadrigemina
c. corpus callosum
d. striatum
e. hypothalamus
f. medulla
g. midbrain
h. pons
i. thalamus
________ (1) basal nuclei involved in fine control of motor activities
________ (2) region where there is a crossover of fibers of descending pyramidal tracts
________ (3) control of temperature, autonomic nervous system reflexes, hunger, and water balance
_________ (4) houses the substantia nigra and cerebral aqueduct
_________ (5) relay stations for visual and auditory stimuli input; found in midbrain
_________ (6) houses vital centers for control of the heart, respiration, and blood pressure
_________ (7) brain area through which all the sensory input is relayed to get to the cerebral cortex
_________ (8) brain area most concerned with equilibrium, body posture, and coordination of motor activity