Biosafety Level 3 includes __________ .
a. double sets of entry doors
b. pressurized suits
c. showers in entryways
d. all of the above
Biosafety Level 3 includes __________ .
a. double sets of entry doors
b. pressurized suits
c. showers in entryways
d. all of the above
Contrast the structures and actions of soaps and quats.
A sample of E. coli has been subjected to heat for a specified time, and 90% of the cells have been destroyed. Which of the following terms best describes this event?
a. thermal death point
b. thermal death time
c. decimal reduction time
d. none of the above
Which of the following substances is least toxic to humans?
a. carbolic acid
b. glutaraldehyde
c. hydrogen peroxide
d. formalin
How can campers effectively treat stream water to remove pathogenic protozoa, bacteria, and viruses?
Which of the following chemicals is active against bacterial endospores?
a. copper ions
b. ethylene oxide
c. ethanol
d. triclosan