Indicate which statements are true. Correct all false statements by changing the underlined words.
__________ The hypothalamus of the brain controls body temperature.
Indicate which statements are true. Correct all false statements by changing the underlined words.
__________ The hypothalamus of the brain controls body temperature.
Mucus-secreting membranes are found in ________________.
a. the urinary system
b. the digestive cavity
c. the respiratory passages
d. all of the above
Indicate which statements are true. Correct all false statements by changing the underlined words.
__________ The surface cells of mucous membranes are alive.
Indicate which statements are true. Correct all false statements by changing the underlined words.
__________ Wandering macrophages experience diapedesis.
The complement system involves _____________.
a. the production of antigens and antibodies
b. serum proteins involved in nonspecific defense
c. a set of genes that distinguish foreign cells from body cells
d. the elimination of undigested remnants of microorganisms
The alternative complement activation pathway involves ________________.
a. factors B, D, and P
b. the cleavage of C5 to form C9
c. binding to mannose sugar
d. recognition of antigens bound to specific antibodies