In this video, we're going to talk more about the details of gram-negative cell walls. Recall from our previous lesson videos that gram-negative cells do not absorb or retain the gram stain, unlike gram-positive cells that do. Also recall that the gram-negative cell walls have a thin layer of peptidoglycan, instead of having a thick layer of peptidoglycan like gram-positive cells do. These gram-negative cells, in addition to their plasma membrane, have an additional outer membrane that gram-positive cells do not have. This outer membrane is very important for these gram-negative bacteria. It serves as the outermost layer for these gram-negative cells. The outer membrane is actually anchored to the peptidoglycan layer via these lipoproteins. Lipoproteins, as their name implies, with the lipid and the protein, is a protein with a hydrophobic lipid tail, basically a protein with a lipid attached to it. This lipoprotein, in this case, serves as an anchor to the peptidoglycan layer.
Take a look at this image over here, showing a gram-negative cell with a gram-negative cell wall. Notice that the peptidoglycan layer, which is the light blue layer in between, is really thin in comparison to the peptidoglycan layer in gram-positive cells. If we zoom into this specific region right here and blow it up in size, that's what we have right here. Notice there is a thin peptidoglycan layer and up at the top, there is an outer membrane. This outer membrane, a second additional membrane that gram-negative cells have. Gram-positive cells do not have this additional membrane. Notice that the plasma membrane is at the very bottom, which all cells have. But notice that the outer membrane at the top here is anchored to the peptidoglycan layer via these lipoproteins that you can see at these positions. These lipoproteins serve as an anchor.
This here concludes our brief introduction to gram-negative cell walls. We will be able to apply these concepts and also learn more about gram-negative cell walls as we move forward in our course. So I'll see you all in our next video.