In this video, we're going to begin our introduction to the types of culture media. Recall from our previous lesson videos that culture media is either a solid or a liquid preparation of nutrients that are used to grow my microbes in a lab. Now, there are many different types of culture media. However, these growth media or culture media can be classified. And they are classified based on their composition or what they're actually made out of, and they're also classified based on their application in research or how they're actually used to conduct research.
Moving forward in our course, we're going to talk about six main classes types of culture media, or our outline of the lesson on the types of culture media. Notice that each of these squares that you see down below represents one of the classes of culture media that we're going to talk about moving forward. And we'll talk a lot more details about each of these types of culture media in their own respective videos moving forward in our course.
So, the one that we have here on the far left is the chemically defined media. Next, what we have here is the chemically complex media. Then what we have here is the selective media. An example of that is MacConkey agar, which we'll talk about further in our course. Then what we have next here is differential media, such as, for example, blood agar, and we'll talk more about that moving forward in our course as well. Then what we have here is reducing media, which we'll see the use of an anaerobic chamber, as we move forward in our course talking about that. And then last but not least over here, what we have is enrichment media. This media is going to take a low cell count and help to convert it into a high cell count. Again, we'll be able to talk more about each of these different types of culture media as we move forward in our course, starting with the one on the left and making our way over to the right.
That being said, this here concludes our brief introduction to the types of culture media, and we'll get to learn a lot more as we move forward in our course. So, I'll see you all in our next video.