So let's talk about a simplified version of the aggregate expenditures model in a private closed economy. Let's see what that means. So, remember, the aggregate expenditures model, we're linking up the relationship between spending and what's the other side? Production, right? Production. So, spending and production in a private closed economy. This is when we say a private economy means no government. And a closed economy means no trade. Okay. So, it's a country that does not have government or international trade. We're still going to use the same model of aggregate expenditures equals GDP at the equilibrium. So, aggregate expenditures being our spending and GDP being our production. Well, this is actually just easier because in this economy, there's no government purchases and no net exports. So all of this is gone. There's no government purchases, no net exports. All we have is consumption and investment, right? That's all of our spending in the economy either comes from consumption from our consumers or investment from firms basically, right?
So we're going to have very similar to what we've been doing. We have our consumption function that's going to have some base amount of consumption regardless of income, there's gotta be some consumption to survive, right? There's gotta be food, shelter, things like that. And then as we make more money, MPC, right, times Yd. So just like we've discussed with our consumption function. And investment, well, we're gonna keep that constant still. It's always gonna be constant in these in these in these, topics here. Alright? So remember that this can be affected by the multiplier effect, which we will discuss in further videos. Let's go ahead and see how this simplified model of the aggregate expenditures where there's no government, no net exports, how this looks like on the graph.
So just like before, we're going to be looking for our macroeconomic equilibrium. Just in this case, well, there are no government purchases and there are no net exports. So all we have is consumption and investment. So if we look at this graph, we're going to have our consumption function. Let's go ahead and graph our consumption function, which it starts here at this point 2. Right? If there's no GDP, So this is gonna be aggregate expenditures. This is GDP, which is why those are our axis here. So if there's no GDP, if there's no production in the economy, well, there's still gotta be some consumption for people to survive and that's base amount of 2. So when there's no production here at 0 production, we're going to have 2 consumption, right? 2,000,000,000 consumption we'll say and this will go up at a rate of 0.5. So the marginal propensity to consume being 0.5 times Y. So for every 2 GDP, right? For every time we go up by 2 GDP, well that goes up by 1 on the consumption function, right? Because half of it goes to consumption. So 2 GDP, if GDP was 2 here, well this would be 1. 0.5 times 2. So this would go up like this. Right? Just like we saw on the other graph. Oops. Like this. Here's 3 right here. It's 2 plus 1 plus 1 again, and we end up with a line like this. Right? So very similar to when we had our full economy with government, with everything. Right? We've still got our consumption. But the only thing we're going to add to it in this case is investment. Right? Because this is a private closed economy, we're going to end up with 3 plus 0.5Y, right? The 2 plus the 1 consumption plus investment and then we add that, the income part there. The marginal propensity to consume times the income. So all this does is it shifts us up to 3, right? Shifts this graph up from 2 to 3. But the slope stays the same so it's gonna be a parallel line to that. And this is it. We're done in the private closed economy. This is all that we all of the spending that we have is either from consumption or investment. So this is C right here, consumption. And this is our aggregate expenditures of C+I, right? Because there's no government purchases, no net exports, that's our total aggregate expenditures, C+I.
So here we go. We're ready to find our macroeconomic equilibrium. Do you remember where that's going to be? Yep. It's right there where our consumption where our aggregate expenditures line, consumption plus investment, touches the 45-degree line, right? Just right here. Consumption plus investment equals 6 in this case. So where our aggregate expenditures equals 6, our production equals 6, this is our macroeconomic equilibrium in this case. Alright? It's simple as that. Just as what we learned in the previous example, except we took out some variables. So what we have is consumption plus investment. So right here below me, macroeconomic equilibrium occurs where the AE line crosses the 45-degree line. Okay? Pretty much just what we just learned, except we took out some variables for government net exports. Exports. Cool? Let's go ahead and move on to the next video.