In order to draw a correct Lewis structure, multiple bonds between elements are sometimes necessary. Now we're going to say here that a single bond is the weakest and longest form of a covalent bond that directly connects elements together. We're going to say because of this, they have the lowest bond energy and lowest bond stability. We're going to say here bond energy is just the energy required to break a bond in kilojoules and determines bond stability. Now we're going to say here, let's take a look at a single bond, a double bond, and a triple bond.
So here, in terms of valence electrons or valence electrons used, we're going to say, remember, in a single bond there are 2 electrons involved which equates to basically one electron pair. In a double bond, there are 2 bonds. Each bond has 2 electrons involved, so that's a total of 4 valence electrons involved which equals 2 electron pairs. A triple bond, each bond again has 2 electrons, so that's a total of 6 valence electrons used, which is 3 electron pairs. This ties into what we understand as bond strength, which is connected to bond energy and stability. We're going to say here that in terms of bond strength, we said that the single bond is the weakest. Double bonds are somewhere in the middle, so we're going to say that they are moderate or intermediate. And then triple bonds are the highest in terms of strength.
Now, bond energy and bond stability: A single bond is pretty weak, so therefore we shouldn't expect it to be able to endure any type of breaking. It's going to be pretty easy to break them since they're quite weak. So in terms of bond energy and stability, they are the lowest. Double bonds are somewhere in the middle again, so they're moderate. And then triple bonds, you not only have to cut through 1 bond, you have to cut through 3 bonds. So we'd expect their strength and stability to be highest. So they require the most energy because we have to cut through the most bonds and they have the highest stability as a result. So when it comes to a single bond, a double bond, and a triple bond, just remember these certain characteristics that each one of them has.