RNAi is currently being tested as a therapeutic tool for genetic diseases and other conditions. Consider the following: cystic fibrosis caused by loss of function of the CFTR gene, HIV infection, and cancer caused by hyperactivity of a growth factor receptor. Which of these may be treatable by RNAi, and which not? Explain your reasoning.
Isoginkgetin is a cell-permeable chemical isolated from the Ginkgo biloba tree that binds to and inhibits snRNPs.
What types of problems would you anticipate in cells treated with isoginkgetin?

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Key Concepts
snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins)
mRNA splicing
cellular stress response
Explain how the expression of a single gene can be quickly, efficiently, and specifically shut down at the transcriptional, posttranscriptional, and posttranslational stages through the coordinated expression of a transcriptional repressor, an miRNA, and a ubiquitin ligase.
Recent observations indicate that alternative splicing is a common way for eukaryotes to expand their repertoire of gene functions. Studies indicate that approximately 50 percent of human genes exhibit alternative splicing and approximately 15 percent of disease-causing mutations involve aberrant alternative splicing. Different tissues show remarkably different frequencies of alternative splicing, with the brain accounting for approximately 18 percent of such events [Xu et al. (2002). Nucl. Acids Res. 30:3754–3766].
Why might some tissues engage in more alternative splicing than others?
Isoginkgetin is a cell-permeable chemical isolated from the Ginkgo biloba tree that binds to and inhibits snRNPs. Would this be most problematic for E. coli cells, yeast cells, or human cells? Why?