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welcome back everyone in this example, we need to identify the aipac name of our compound given below, recall that our aipac rules tells us to identify the longest carbon chain. So we can see highlighted here, we have the longest carbon chain where we want to recognize that we have the presence of a triple bond here. And because we have a triple bond versus just the sigma bonds or single bonds here, the triple bond maintains priority meaning we are going to name this as carbon number one here, carbon number two. Then we have carbon number 3456 and seven. So we have a triple bond and a seven carbon chain where the triple bond gives us our route modifier And the seven carbon chain gives us our main route name. So recall that a southern carbon chain corresponds to the route being heh obtain. So H E P T A N E. And our route modifier containing a triple bond, which we should recall is an alkaline, tells us that we have the root modifier being mine. And so what we would have is the result of heP time. Now, as we distinguished, our triple bond begins at carbon number one and ends at carbon number two. So we want to add in the location of this hep teen being equal to one hep teen since it begins at carbon number one. Now let's focus on any substitute prints. So recognize that we have the presence of CH two, Ch three at carbons, numbers three and four. And then we have the presence of just CH three at carbon number five. So recall that Ch three, CH two represents our ethel groups. Whereas CH three we recall refers to our methyl groups. And recall that ethyl and methyl are both just alcohol groups which are a result of just structures with carbon and hydrogen in groups of our chain here. So what we should have for our substitutes marked would be our location of our ethyl groups. We said that we have two times our ethyl groups. So recall that that would give us di ethyl and so we would say that we have for our location of these D ethel's. We have first one at carbon three, the second at carbon four. And then we would separate numbers from letters with a hyphen. So we would have hyphen di ethyl and sorry, we're missing an H there and then moving on to our third substitute group that we counted, which was our methyl, we just have one. So we're just going to list its location being at carbon number five. So five methyl ethyl five. Methyl with an M. And as we stated, the substitutes are both alcohol groups. So we're just going to recall that we named them in alphabetical order when it comes to naming our structure. So now we're just going to add our route modifier and our substitutes together to give us the entire name of our structure and what we're going to have in alphabetical order Is we're going to have 34 And sorry, there's no come after the four. So 34 hyphen di ethyl. Then we have hyphen five metal and then we have hyphen one hep time. So notice that our substitutes are what we put in alphabetical order, not our route modifier of our main chain. And so just to be clear, this is our substitute prints an alphabetically ordered name and this entire name here would be our correct pack name for our given structure above. I hope everything that I reviewed was clear. If you have any questions, leave them down below and I will see everyone in the next practice video.