Is the pH greater than, equal to, or less than 7 after the neutralization of each of the following pairs of acids and bases? (a) NaOH and benzoic acid (C6H5CO2H)
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Hey everyone. Where as is the ph of the solution? At the equivalence point, acidic neutral or basic for the following acid based hydration. And we have formic acid and potassium hydroxide 1st. Let's go ahead and write out our reaction. So we have formic acid and this is going to react with potassium hydroxide. Now, when these two react, we end up with our former ion plus our water. Now, as we've learned, the equivalence point is the point in the tight rations where all of the base has reacted with all of the acid. So this means all of our formic acid has reacted with potassium hydroxide and we do not have any acid or base from our reactant left. So at our equivalence point we will only have our former ion present. and since our form eight ion is only one present in our solution, this means that our solution will be basic at the equivalence point, since former ion is the conjugate base of our weak acid formic acid. So our final answer here is going to be basic. Now, I hope that made sense. And let us know if you have any questions