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Ch.14 - Chemical Kinetics

Chapter 14, Problem 43b

The following pictures represent the progress of the reaction AS B in which A molecules (red spheres) are converted to B molecules (blue spheres).

(b) Draw a picture that shows the number of A and B molecules present at t = 3 min.

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Hi everyone. This problem reads the progression of the reaction M yields N. And which M molecules are represented by the blue spheres are changed into em molecules which are represented by the violet spheres is shown in the image below which image shows the correct quantity of M and N after three minutes. So we want to know out of the answer choices given which is going to show the correct quantity of M and N after three minutes. All right. So we're going to need to recall a couple of things for this problem and that is the order. Okay, so if a reaction is zeroth order then the rate is constant throughout the course of the reaction. Okay, so K is constant. That's if it's zero order, if the reaction is first order then half of the M molecules are converted to n molecules each minute. Alright, so half of the m molecules are converted to n molecules each minute. Okay, and if the reaction is second order, the half life is inversely proportional to the concentration of em molecules. Okay, so the half life is inversely proportional to the concentration of em molecules. Alright, so let's take a look at the images that are being shown. So we have time is zero minutes. Time is one minute and time is two minute. Okay, so three moller is converted to three N every minute. Okay, so that's what we can see here. So that means the rate the rate is constant throughout the course of the reaction, which makes this zeroth order. All right, so let's just highlight this. Zero order. Alright, so three moller is three M is converted to three N every minute. This means that at time T equals three. Another three molar will be converted to three N. Okay, So let's go ahead and write this out. So at time T equals three minutes. Another three M will be converted two three n. All right. So, what that means is if we're going to count up the molecules at time Equals two minutes, what we're going to have is m equals and N. equals six. So at time equals three minutes. What we're going to have then is M equals seven and N equals nine. So, we need to look for the image that represents. M equals seven and N equals nine. So, remember M molecules are the blue spheres, and n molecules are the violet spheres. So we need to see which one represents this. And when we take a look, this is represented by image, be Okay, So that is it for this problem. I hope this was helpful