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Ch.8 - Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding

Chapter 8, Problem 25d

The substances NaF and CaO are isoelectronic (have the same number of valence electrons). (d) Using the lattice energies in Table 8.1, predict the lattice energy of ScN.

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Hi everyone for this problem. We're being asked to estimate the lattice energy for Skandia. Um Fosse Fied based on the lattice energy of ISO electronic substances, sodium bromide and strong TM oxide. And were given the lattice energy for both. Okay, so the first thing that we're going to want to do is calculate the ratio of the lattice energies given. So our ratio of lattice energy given is going to be the ratio of our strong strong tm oxide. So strontium oxide over sodium bromide and that is equal to 3217 kg joules per mole over 732 kg joules per mole. And so our ratio is going to be 4.39. Okay. And then we need to calculate the ratio of our charges. Okay, so our ratio for our charges is going to be our cat ion charge times are an ion charge over our cat ion period plus are an ion period. So we're going to have two times two over one times one. And this gives us a ratio of four for our charges. So if our scandia phosphate charges are positive three and negative three, then the lattice energy is going to be So our lattice energy of scandia Fosse Fied is going to be Three times three times our lattice energy of sodium bromide. Okay, and that gives us killer jewels Permal, which is our final answer. That is the end of this problem. I hope this was helpful